Jacobus Clemens non Papa

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Aliases: Jacques Clément; Jacob Clemens; Jacobus Clemanes


Born: c. 1510-15

Died: 1555 or 1556?


Belgian composer, first noted as "Jacobus Clement Pbro" (a priest) at St. Donatien in Bruges in 1544 and subsequently associated with the court of Charles V and active in Ypres and Leiden. The epithet "non papa" ('not a pope') was added by the publisher Tielman Susato, perhaps more in jest than to avoid actual confusion with Pope Clement VII (1478-1534). Jacobus Vaet published a lament in 1558 alluding to a violent death; a ms. of Hic est vere martyr bears the inscription "Ultimum opus Clementis non Papæ anno 1555 21 aprilis".

View the Wikipedia article on Jacobus Clemens non Papa.

A more extensive survey and worklist is available in French.

List of choral works



Motets in Latin

An 'O bone Jesu' for four voices is attributed both to Clemens and to Pieter Maessens by Berg & Neuber.

Canticles and other works in Latin

Works in French

Works in German

Works in Dutch and other languages



Works in Dutch

Other works

No works currently available

Souterliedekens or metrical psalter for 3 voices (Antwerp, 1556–7)

No. Incipit Psalm*
2 Als ick riep met verlanghen 004Psalm 4
3 Verhoort heer myn gheclach 005Psalm 5
7 O Heer wilt my beschouwen 012Psalm xi
24 Verordeelt o heer ick bid u straffen wilt 035Psalm xxxiiii
44 Heere, lieve Heere, verhoort die stemme mijn 061Psalm lx
104 Si bestreden my dicmael 129Psalm cxxviii
106 Ghedenct o Heer David dyn knecht 132Psalm cxxxi
113 Ick heb gheroepen tot u o Heer 141Psalm cxxxx
117 Loven so wilt mijn siel den Heer 146Psalm cxxxxv
118 Loven soe wilt den Heere 148Psalm cxlvii
 *. See A note on numbering the Psalms

Works not on CPDL

  • Missa Gaude lux Donatiane
  • Super ripam Jordanis
  • Dum complerentur

Other works not listed above (See Template:CheckMissing for possible reasons and solutions)

Click here to search for this composer on CPDL



  • Missa cum quatuor vocibus tomus I (Leuven, 1556)
  • Missa cum quatuor vocibus tomus II (Leuven, 1557)
  • Missa cum quatuor vocibus tomus III (Leuven, 1557)
  • Missa cum quinque vocibus tomus IIII (Leuven, 1557)
  • Missa cum quinque vocibus tomus V (Leuven, 1557)
  • Missa cum quinque vocibus tomus VI (Leuven, 1557)
  • Missa cum quinque vocibus tomus VII (Leuven, 1558)
  • Missa cum quinque vocibus tomus VIII (Leuven, 1559)
  • Missa cum sex vocibus tomus IX (Leuven, 1559)


External links