El Desembre congelat (Traditional)

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Catalan.png In original Catalan

  • (Posted 2001-05-05)  CPDL #02558:  Network.png  
Editor: Abel Di Marco (submitted 2001-05-05).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 3.61 MB   Copyright: Religious
Edition notes:

English.png In English: Cold December's winds were stilled

  • (Posted 2002-09-20)  CPDL #04014:     
Editor: Douglas Brooks-Davies (submitted 2002-09-20).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 160 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Arranged by Douglas Brooks-Davies. Traditional carol. MUP file is zipped.

Dutch.png In Dutch: Midden in de winternacht

  • (Posted 2014-11-08)  CPDL #33317:       
Editor: Jens Klimek (submitted 2014-11-08).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 57 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: El Desembre congelat
Composer: Anonymous (Traditional)

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredCarol

Language: Catalan
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

Catalan.png Catalan text

El desembre, congelat, confús es retira.
Abril, de flors coronat, tot el món admira.
Quan en un jardí d'amor neix una divina flor
D'una rosa bella fecunda i poncella.

El primer pare causà la nit tenebrosa
Que a tot el món ofuscà la vista penosa;
Mes, en una mitja nit, brilla el sol que n'és eixit
D'una bella aurora que el cel enamora.

El mes de maig ha florit, sens ésser encara,
Un lliri blanc i polit de fragància rara,
Que per tot el món se sent, de Llevant fins a Ponent,
Tota sa dolçura i olor amb Ventura.

English.png English translation

Cold December's winds were stilled
In the month of snowing.
As the world fell dark one night,
Springtime's Hope was growing;
Then one rose-tree blossomed new,
One sweet Flower on it grew.
On the tree once bare,
Grew the Rose so fair,
Ah, the Rose, ah, the Rose,
Ah the Rose tree blooming,
Sweet the air perfuming.

When the darkness fell that night,
Bringing sweet reposing,
All the land was hid from sight,
Sleep our eyes was closing.
Suddenly, there came a gleam
From the sky, the wondrous beam
Of a heav'nly star,
Giving light afar;
Ah, the star, ah, the star,
Ah, the star-beam glowing,
Brightness ever growing.

Now the month of May was here,
Filled with God's own radiance;
Now the purest Lily bloomed,
Flow'r of sweeted fragrance.
To the people far and near
Came a breath of heav'nly cheer;
O, the incense rare
Of the Lily there!
Ah, the scent, ah, the scent
Of the Lily blooming,
All the air perfuming!

English.png English translation

Frozen, dim December retreats.
The whole world marvels at April, crowned by flowers,
When in a garden of love a divine flower is born
From a beautiful rose, fruitful and virginal.

Our first father [Adam] brought on the night
Which darkens everyone's sight.
But at midnight, the risen sun shines --
Announcing a beautiful dawn, delighting the sky.

The month of May, not yet in full flower, has budded
A white and shining lily, of such rare fragrance
That from Orient to Occident all can breathe in
All its sweetness and scent with blessedness.

Translation by Andy Behrens , 2001
Dutch.png Dutch text

Midden in de winternacht, ging de hemel open.
Die ons heil der wereld bracht, antwoord op ons hopen
Elke vogel zingt zijn lied, herders waarom zingt gij niet
Laat de citers slaan, blaast de fluiten aan
Laat de bel, laat de trom, laat de beltrom horen:
Christus is geboren!

Vrede was er overal, wilde dieren kwamen
Bij de schapen in de stal, en zij speelden samen.
Elke vogel zingt zijn lied, herders waarom zingt gij niet
Laat de citers slaan, blaast de fluiten aan
Laat de bel, laat de trom, laat de beltrom horen:
Christus is geboren!

Zie daar staat de morgenster, stralend in het duister
Want de dag is niet meer ver, bode van de luister
Die ons weldra op zal gaan, herders blaast uw fluiten aan
Laat de bel bim-bam, laat de trom rom-bom
Kere om, kere om, laat de bel-trom horen
Christus is geboren!