Category:Good Friday

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Feria sexta in passione Domini (the 6th day of Holy Week counting from Sunday) is commonly known as Good Friday commemorating the Passion and Crucixifion of Jesus.

Proper Liber usualis Graduale Romanum (1974)
Tract I: Domine, audivi auditum tuum Domine, exaudi orationem meam
Tract II: Eripe me, Domine none
Gradual: none Christus factus est
of the
Holy Cross
Antiphon I: Ecce lignum crucis
Reproaches: Popule meus (listed after the antiphon Crucem tuam)
Antiphon II: Crucem tuam (listed before the Reproaches)
Hymn: Crux fidelis
of the
Blessed Sacrament*
Antiphon III: Adoramus te, Christe none
Antiphon IV: Per lignum servi facti sumus
Antiphon V: Salvator mundi, salva nos
Communion: Psalm 21(22)
“or else one or other of the Tenebrae responsories
from Matins of Good Friday”
“fieri potest cantus aptus”

*The Liber Brevior specifies the hymn Vexilla Regis instead of the antiphons in the Liber Usualis.

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