Crux fidelis

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General Information

Crux Fidelis is part of a larger work by Saint Venantius Honorius Clementianus FortunatusLink to the English Wikipedia article (c530-c609) beginning Pange lingua ('Sing, my tongue'). He wrote it for a procession that brought a part of the true Cross to Queen RadegundaLink to the English Wikipedia article in 570. This hymn is used on Good Friday during the Adoration of the Cross and in the Liturgy of the Hours during Holy Week and on feasts of the Cross.

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Crux fidelis, inter omnes
arbor una nobilis:
nulla silva talem profert,
fronde, flore, germine.
Dulce lignum, dulces clavos,
dulce pondus sustinet.

Korean.png Korean translation

구더운 십자가
최상의 십자가
독존한 나무여.
어떤 나무가 너와 같이
잎을 꽃을 싹을 맺으랴.
달콤한 나무, 달콤한 쇠못,
네가 지탱하는 달콤한 무게.

English.png English translation

Faithful cross, above all other,
One and only noble tree:
None in foliage, none in blossom,
None in fruit thy peer may be.
Sweetest wood and sweetest iron,
Sweetest weight is hung on thee!

English.png English translation

Faithful Cross,
among (them) all,
the one noble tree/trunk;
the wood offers nothing so great
in flower, foliage/frond, (or) sprout.
Sweet wood, sweet nail (or iron, depending on whether you're singing clavi or ferrum),
sustaining sweet weight!