Modulationum sacrarum quinque et sex vocum libri tres in unum volumen redacti (Giaches de Wert)
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Description: A publication of all of Giaches de Wert's motets published in his 3 motet books with the exception of three motets published in the same year by the same publisher in Harmoniae miscellae cantionum sacrarum thus making Giaches de Wert's oeuvre of motets available in Germany.
Title: JACHES VVERT, / Musici suavißimi,/ MODVLATIONVM / SACRARVM QVINQVE ET SEX / VOCVM LIBRE TRES, IN VNVM VO-/ LVMEN REDACTI. NORIBERGAE / Excudebant Catharina Gerlachin & Haeredes / Iohannis Montani.
First Publication date and place: 1583 Nürnberg.
Genre, Subgenre: Sacred, Motets. Language: Latin.
Facsimile: Original 1583 print from the Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum