Lamentations (Marbrianus de Orto)

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  • (Posted 2022-11-04)  CPDL #71396:     
Editor: Mick Swithinbank (submitted 2022-11-04).   Score information: A4, 10 pages, 96 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transposed up a minor third.

General Information

Title: Lamentations
Composer: Marbrianus de Orto
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: ATBB
Genre: SacredLamentation

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1506 in Lamentationum Jeremie prophete liber primus (Petrucci, Venice), no. 7, p. 28
Description: First nocturn for Matins of Maundy Thursday.

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Incipit Lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae.
1:1  ALEPH. Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo!
Facta est quasi vidua domina gentium;
princeps provinciarum facta est sub tributo.
1:2  BETH. Plorans ploravit in nocte, et lacrimæ ejus in maxillis ejus:
non est qui consoletur eam, ex omnibus caris ejus;
omnes amici ejus spreverunt eam, et facti sunt ei inimici.
1:3  GHIMEL. Migravit Judas propter afflictionem, et multitudinem servitutis;
habitavit inter gentes, nec invenit requiem:
omnes persecutores ejus apprehenderunt eam inter angustias.

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum Deum tuum.

English.png English translation

Here beginneth the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah.
1:1  ALEPH. How lonely sits the city that was full of people!
How like a widow has she become, she that was great among the nations!
She that was a princess among the cities has become a vassal.
1:2  BETH. She weeps bitterly in the night, tears on her cheeks;
among all her lovers she has none to comfort her;
all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they have become her enemies.
1:3  GHIMEL. Judah has gone into exile because of affliction and hard servitude;
she dwells now among the nations, but finds no resting place;
her pursuers have all overtaken her in the midst of her distress.

Jerusalem, return to the Lord thy God.

Original text and translations may be found at Lamentations of Jeremiah.