Wyeth's Repository, Part Second

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General Information

Title: Wyeth's Repository, Part Second

Full Title: Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second; Original and Selected from the most Eminent and Approved Authors in that Science; For the use of Christian Churches, Singing Schools, and Private Societies, Together with a Plain and Concise Introduction to the Grounds of Music and Rules for Learners.

Editor - Compiler: John Wyeth

Publication date and place: 1813 by John Wyeth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 132 pp. Second Edition 1820, 132 pp.
Description: An influential book in the West and South of that day, with over forty tunes newly published. One of the first widely-published books for composers such as Amzi Chapin, Lucius Chapin, Elkanah Dare, and Ananias Davisson.

External Links


  • Lowens, Irving. 1964. Introduction, pp. i-xvi in Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second. Facsimile of Second Edition (1820). New York, New York: Da Capo Press. 132 pp.

List of works

Page Ed. HTI* Title Composer Pub. First Line Key Vo Comment
18a 1 8182 Brewer John Hall 1800 Now to the power of God supreme F 4
18b 1 6807 Sharon James Leach 1794 Come, ye that love the Lord F 4
19 1 4029 Vermont William Billings 1778 In vain we lavish out our lives e 4
20a 1 14117 Consolation Lucius Chapin 1812 Once more, my soul, the rising day a 3
20b 1 14122 Twenty-Fourth Amzi Chapin 1812 Salvation, O the joyful sound A 3
20c 1 14587b Fiducia J. Robertson 1813 Father, I long, I faint to see a 2
21a 1 10998b Vernon Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 Lord, what a heaven of saving grace e 4
21b 1 14592 Ninety-Fifth Lucius Chapin 1813 When I can read my title clear A 4
22 1 6108 Mount Zion Brown 1793 The hill of Zion yields C 3
23a 1 8587 Canaan Lewis Edson 1801 Unite my roving thoughts, unite G 4
23b 1 6771 Egypt James Leach 1794 Mty God, my life, my love g 3
24a 1 10990b Ninety-Third Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 Raise your triumphant songs C 4
24b 1 5178 Mount Pleasant James Leach 1789 My God, the spring of all my joys A 3
25a 1 2603c Trumpet Henry Carey 1734 He comes! He comes! The trumpets sound G 3
25b 1 733b Isle of Wight 1711 Lord, shall we part with gold for dross a 4
26a 1 12499a Merton Thomas Clark 1808 Come, let us ascend, my companion and friend D 3
26b 1 271a Windsor William Daman 1591 Now, Lord, another of thy days a 4
27a 1 7685a Gospel Trumpet John Cole 1799 Hark! How the gospel trumpet sounds A 3
27b 1 5386 Waterford Lewis Edson 1790 How pleased and blest was I C 4
28a 1 7877b Dawning Light 1799 In boundless mercy, gracious Lord, appear B 3
28b 1 4139 Twenty-Fifth Alexander Gillet 1779 I lift my soul to God a 4
29a 1 10053 Plymouth Dock 1803 Jesus, how precious is thy name G 3
29b 1 14792 Shields 1813 Come, thou fount of every blessing A 3 First published here
30a 1 6775a Harmony James Leach 1794 O what shall I do my Savior to praise B 3
30b 1 4740 Georgia 1786 How vain are all things here below e 4
31a 1 5180 Nativity James Leach 1789 Come let us lift our joyful eyes G 3
31b 1 4647a Williamstown 1786 Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive g 4
32a 1 5173a Hamilton James Leach 1789 God is the refuge of his saints C 3
32b 1 6765a Winchester 1794 Who is this that comes from far G 3
33 1 6804a St. John's James Leach 1794 Begin, my soul, the exalted lay A 3
34 1 11114 Schenectady Nehemiah Shumway 1805 From all who dwell below the skies E 4
35 1 3366 Boston William Billings 1770 Methinks I see a heavenly host B 4
36 1 4019 Phoebus William Billings 1778 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear f# 4
37 1 14774 Gospel Trump Elkanah Dare 1813 Let every mortal ear attend G 3 First published here
38 1 14761 Bellevue Elkanah Dare 1813 Ye tribes of Adam, join F 4 First published here
39a 1 14760 Babylonian Captivity Elkanah Dare 1813 Along the banks where Babel's current flows f# 4 First published here
39b 1 14782 Millville Elkanah Dare 1813 We praise the Lord who heard our cries E 3 First published here
40 1 14771 Forster Anonymous 1813 Ye weary heavy laden souls e 3 First published here
41 1 6178d Pilgrim's Farewell Field 1793 Farewell, my friends, I must be gone G 3
42a 1 14769 Fairton Elkanah Dare 1813 O God of mercy, hear my call a 3 First published here
42b 1 14773a Glasgow Elkanah Dare 1813 This life's a dream, and empty show G 3 First published here
43a 1 7888a Kedron Amos Pilsbury 1799 Thou man of grief, remember me e 3
43b 1 14762 Bridge Town Elkanah Dare 1813 Grace! Tis a charmong sound G 4 First published here
44 1 6973 Fall of Babylon John Beaumont 1795 In Gabriel's hand a mighty stone G 2
45 1 14791 Road's Town Elkanah Dare 1813 Blessed are the sons of God a 3 First published here
46 1 14784 Mount Hope Elkanah Dare 1813 Hark! Hark! A Savior's voice F 2 First published here
47a 1 14768 Dismission Elkanah Dare 1813 Lord, dismiss with thy blessing d 3 First published here
47b 1 2255d Old German 16 c. O tell me no more a 3
50 2 Redemption Anthem Hark! Hark! Glad tidings charm our ears
50 1 8388 Missionary Thomas Walker 1800 When I can read my title clear B 3
51 1 12254 Madison Daniel Read 1807 Great shepherd of thine Israel a 4
52 1 Wilmington Elkanah Dare 1813 Hark! The herald angels sing G 4
55 1 8108a Exhortation Eliakim Doolittle 1800 Now in the heat of youthful blood a 4
56 1 14770 Fidelia Lewer 1813 As on some lonely building top a 3 First published here
57a 1 14781 Middle Paxton B. Austin 1813 No burning heats by dat E 3 First published here
57b 1 6379 Woburn Jacob Kimball 1793 Firm was my health, my dau was bright a 4
58 1 10981 Christian Song Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 Mine eyes arae now closing to rest d 3
59 1 8114 Liberty Stephen Jenks 1800 No more beneath the oppressive hand F 3
60 1 Judgment Anthem Hark, ye mortals, hear the trumpet
68a 1 4941c Castle Street 1788 Sweet is the work, my God, my King G 4
68b 1 9038 Warren Isaac Lane 1802 Let all our tongues be one A 4
69a 1 9855 Content Walter Janes 1803 Since God is all my trust a 4
69b 1 1065a Walsal 1723 Alas! And did my Savior bleed a 4
70 1 5863 Hundred and Forty-Eighth 1791 Loud hallelujahs to the Lord G 4
71 1 14778 Landaff Findlay 1813 Let sinners take their course a 3 First published here
72 1 Thanksgiving Anthem O be joyful in the Lord
76a 1 10325 Interrogation Ebenezer Child 1804 Shall we go on to sin e 4
76b 1 14794 Solitude Barnabas McKyes 1813 Come lead me to some lonely shade a 4 First published here
77a 1 6990 Boston Lewis Edson 1795 My trust is in my heavenly friend F 4
77b 1 14786 Newmark Amos Bull 1813 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove G 4 First published here
78a 1 7000 Sounding Joy J. P. Storm 1795 Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns D 4
78b 1 14767 Dependence Findlay 1813 But I with all my care a 3 First published here
79a 1 14789 Redeeming Grace Anonymous 1813 Come all who love my Lord and master G 3 First published here
79b 1 1681b Christmas Hymn William Knapp 1743 A virgin unspotted, the prophets foretold G 3
80 1 14798 Triumph Anonymous 1813 Tis done! Lo they come, bright celestials descend C 3 First published here
81a 1 14766a Davis Anonymous 1813 O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight G 3 First published here
81b 1 12951 Twenty-Third Psalm Amos Bull 1809 My Shepherd is the living Lord C 3
82 1 9458 Mountain Oliver Holden 1803 When some kind shepherd from his fold g 4
83 1 9870 Lamentation Walter Janes 1803 When we our wearied limbs to rest e 4
84 1 Farewell Anthem My friends, I am going a long and tedious journey
87 1 7955 Vergennes Oliver Holden 1800 My heart and flesh cry out for thee g 3
88 1 5587c All Saints New Amariah Hall 1791 O! If my Lord would come and meet d 4
89 1 14779 Marcus Hook Elkanah Dare 1813 Sweet is the memory of thy grace C 3 First published here
90a 1 7227 Exhortation Hibbard 1796 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear F 4
90b 1 5786 Hinsdale Samuel Holyoke 1791 Thou wilt reveal the paths of life G 4
91 1 4077a Worcester Abraham Wood 1778 How beauteous are their feet F 4
92a 1 7998b Northfield Jeremiah Ingalls 1800 How long, dear Savior, O how long C 4
92b 1 7840 Kingwood James Peck 1799 Children of the heavenly King A 3
93a 1 6996 Pardoning Grace Alexander Gillet 1795 From deep distress and troubled thoughts c 4
93b 1 4093a Miles' Lane William Shrubsole 1779 Al hail the power of Jesus' name C 3
94 1 11032b Springhill Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 The Lord into his garden come G 2
95a 1 14121 Rockbridge Lucius Chapin 1812 Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone C 3
95b 1 657a Saint Michael's Nicholas Brady 1708 O praise ye the Lord, prepare your glad voice C 4
96 1 4439a Invitation Jacob Kimball 1784 Come, my beloved, haste away D 4
97a 1 14593 Rockingham Chapin 1813 Salvation, O the joyful sound A 4
97b 1 14118 Unitia Lucius Chapin 1812 O tell me no more G 4
98a 1 8879a Ganges 1802 Awaked by Sinai's awful sound D 4
98b 1 14776 Happiness 1813 O how happy are they a 2 First published here
99 1 8235 The Band of Love William Miller 1800 Our souls by love together knit G 2
100a 1 6721 Saint Johns William Billings 1794 Where are the mourners, saith the Lord g 2
100b 1 14788 Power White 1813 Death, like an overflowing stream d 2 First published here
100c 1 2770 Willington 1761 Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive a 2
101a 1 14758a Adoration Ananias Davisson 1813 Thee we adore, eternal name C 2 First published here
101b 1 14785 New Canaan Anonymous 1813 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand C 2 First published here
101c 1 14796 Sublimity 1813 Before Jehovah's awful throne A 2 First published here
102a 1 14772 Friendship George Handel 1735 Friendship, to every willing mind G 3 First published here
102b 1 6808a Shields James Leach 1794 Infinite grief, amazing woe g 3
103a 1 10014b Morality 1803 When beauty and youth are in their full prime G 2
103b 1 11037b Communion Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 The King of heaven his table spreads E 2
104a 1 14120 New Monmouth Lucius Chapin 1812 Come, thou fount of every blessing a 2
104b 1 14787 Perseverance 1813 Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song A 3 First published here
104c 1 14790 Restoration Anonymous 1813 Ye captives restored and saints of the Lord A 2 First published here
105a 1 14765 Consolation 1813 Come on, my partners in distress a 2 First published here
105b 1 14799 Vienna Premmer 1813 Rise, O Lord our God a 2 First published here
106a 1 4216a Mendom William Billings 1781 My Redeemer, let me be a 2
106b 1 14797 The Transport Anonymous 1813 Ye children of Jesus who're bound to the kingdom C 2 First published here
107 1 6464 Sterling Nehemiah Shumway 1793 Come ye that love the Lord E 4
108a 1 14800a Washington 1813 A soldier, Lord, thou hast me made a 2 First published here
108b 1 14759 Animation 1813 Come, thou fount of every blessing A 2 First published here
109a 1 14780a Messiah Anonymous 1813 The Son of man they did betray a 2 First published here
109b 1 14793 Solicitude Anonymous 1813 O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight g 2 First published here
110 1 6795 Pastoral James Leach 1794 The Lord my pasture shall prepare F 3
111a 1 11868 Gallilee Thomas Clark 1807 Up to the hills where angels lie C 3
111b 1 3357 Africa William Billings 1770 Now shall my inward joys arise E 4
112a 2 17424 Providence C. Curtis 1820 What shall I render to my God A 3
112b 1 14775 Hallelujah 1813 Come, thou fount of every blessing F 2 First published here
113a 1 12303b Concert Jeremiah Clarke 1707 Come, thou fount of every blessing a 2
113b 1 6805a Salford James Leach 1794 Not from the dust affliction grows a 3
114a 1 4671a Seaman's Song 1786 Would you behold the works of God C 3
114b 1 5356c German Hymn Ignaz Playel 1788 So fades the loverly blooming flower B 3
115 1 David's Lamentation William Billings David the king was grieved and moved
116 1 4973 Lonsdale Arcangelo Corelli ca. 1700 The hill of Zion yields C 3
117 1 4468f Spaldwick Thomas Firth 1784 Defend me, Lord, from shame a 3
118 1 3453a Sappho William Billings 1770 When the fierce north wind with his airy forces C 4
119 1 8881 Hermit 1802 Tis night, and the landscape is lovely no more d 3
120a 1 14783 Minister's Farewell 1813 Dear friends, farewell, I do tell G 2 First published here
120 1 14394 Friendship 1812 Ye simple souls that stray F 3
121a 1 11041b Heavenly Union Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell G 2
121b 1 Easter He dies! The friend of sinners dies G 3
124 1 4002a Bethlehem William Billings 1778 While shepherds watched their flocks by night E 4
125 1 4443 Participation Thomas Arne 1763 Jesus, with all thy saints above G 4
126a 1 4926 Hollis Oliver Holden 1788 My soul, come meditate the day d 4
126b 1 4091a Silver Street Isaac Smith 1779 Come, ye who love the Lord C 4
127 1 2980a Redeeming Love John Worgan 1765 Now begin the heavenly theme C 3
128 1 8155 Plainfield Jacob Kimball 1800 Let him to whom we now belong G 4
129 1 9444 Cowper Oliver Holden 1803 Forgive the song that falls so low g 4
130a 1 2042a Trinity William Tansur 1752 Now shall my head be lifted high F 4
130b 1 1655a Islington 1742 This life's a dream, and empty show C 3
131a 1 6311 Omega Oliver Holden 1793 My Savior, my almighty friend C 3
131b 1 Doxology Now unto the King eternal C 3
 *.The Hymn Tune Index

Works at CPDL

Title Year Composer Arranger Lyricist First Line Vo. Meter
Babylonian Captivity 1813 Elkanah Dare Joel Barlow Along the banks where Babel's current flows 4 10 10. 10 10
Bellevue 1813 Elkanah Dare Isaac Watts Ye tribes of Adam, join 4 66. 66. 88
Bridge Town 1813 Elkanah Dare Philip Doddridge Grace! 'tis a charming sound 4 66. 86 (S.M.)
Condescending 1813 Anonymous Ananias Davisson Isaac Watts How condescending and how kind 4 86. 86 (C.M.)
Consolation 1813 Anonymous Charles Wesley Come on, my partners in distress 2 886. 886
Davis 1813 Anonymous Joseph Swain O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight 3 11 8. 11 8
Dismission 1813 Elkanah Dare John Fawcett (hymnwriter) Lord, dismiss us with thy blesssing 4 87. 87. 47
Fairton 1813 Elkanah Dare Isaac Watts O God of mercy, hear my call 3 86. 86 (C.M.)
Forster 1813 Anonymous John Granade Ye weary heavy laden souls 3 86. 86. D (C.M.D.)
Friendship 1798 George Frideric Handel Ananias Davisson Friendship to every willing mind 4 87. 87. 88. 87
Friendship 1812 Anonymous Charles Wesley Ye simple souls, that stray 3 66. 66. 86. 86
Glasgow 1813 Elkanah Dare Isaac Watts This life's a dream, an empty show 4 88. 88 (L.M.)
Hallelujah 1813 Anonymous Robert Robinson Come, thou fount of every blessing 2 87. 87. D
Happiness 1813 Anonymous Charles Wesley O how happy are they Who their Savior obey 2 669. 669
Kedron 1799 Amos Pilsbury Charles Wesley Thou man of griefs, remember me 4 88. 88 (L.M.)
Millville 1813 Elkanah Dare Joel Barlow We praise thee, Lord, who heard our cries 3 88. 88 (L.M.)
Mount Calvary 1813 Ananias Davisson John Granade The Son of Man they did betray 4 88. 86. 88. 886
Mount Hope 1813 Elkanah Dare Thomas Odiorne Hark! hark, a Savior's voice 2 Irregular meter
New Monmouth 1813 Lucius Chapin Robert Robinson Come thou fount of every blessing 4 87. 87
Ninety-Fifth 1813 Lucius Chapin Isaac Watts When I can read my title clear 4 86. 86 (C.M.)
Pilgrim's Farewell 1793 Jacob French Samuel Crossman Fare you well, my friends 4
Redeeming Grace 1813 Anonymous Anonymous lyricist Come all that love my Lord and Master 4 98. 98. D
Reflection 1813 Anonymous Ananias Davisson Isaac Watts No sleep or slumber to his eyes 4 86. 86 (C.M.)
Restoration 1813 Anonymous Anonymous lyricist Ye captives restored and saints of the Lord 4 10 11. 10 11
Road's Town 1813 Elkanah Dare Joseph Humphreys Blessed are the sons of God 4 77. 77. 77
Solicitude 1813 Anonymous Joseph Swain O thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight 2 11 8. 11 8
Solitude 1813 Barnabas McKyes Anonymous Come lead me to some lonely shade 4 86. 86 (C.M.)
The Band of Love 1800 Edward Miller Edward Miller Our souls by love together knit 3 86. 86. D (C.M.D.)
The Rose Tree 1813 Ananias Davisson Anonymous There is a land of pleasure 3 78. 78. D
Transport 1813 Anonymous John Granade Ye children of Jesus, who're bound for the kingdom 2 12 11.12 11.12 12.12 11
Triumph 1813 Anonymous Anonymous lyricist Tis done! Lo, they come! bright celestials descend 3 Irregular meter
Twenty-Fourth 1813 Amzi Chapin Isaac Watts Salvation! O the joyful sound 3 86. 86 (C.M.)
Wilmington 1813 Elkanah Dare Charles Wesley Hark! the herald angels sing 4 77. 77