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Number of score pages that have their earliest edition(s) submitted last year = 4433

Number of score pages that have their earliest edition(s) submitted so far this year = 3253

Number of score pages that have their earliest edition(s) submitted this month = 95

  This page was loaded on Friday, 2024 December 13 16:57:12 GMT

3974 score pages with new editions: 4500 goal (88.311%)
3253 newly created score pages this year: 3200 goal (101.656%)
348 days elapsed 366 (95.082%)

ChoralWiki:Newly available modern music scores (last 90 days)

User:CHGiffen/BWV 56

CPDL and the Sacred Music Colloquium XXI

You are viewing this page from the main Contributor ChoralWiki website.

My score contributions may be found on my contributor page.

My compositions may be found on my composer page.

All pages for which I have made (signed) edits may be found here.

I am an admin at ChoralWiki, serving as its manager, and I am the President of CPDL.

Valid URLs for ChoralWiki
Currently for this site
Special pages
Eine kleine Nachtmusik versus Eine kleine Nachtmusik
à á ä ã â ā ă ą å

è é ê ë ē ě ĕ ė ę
ì í î ï ĩ ī ĭ į
ò ó ô õ ö ō ŏ ő ø
ù ú û ü ū ŭ ů
æ œ
ý ÿ
ç ć č - đ ď - ğ ģ
ķ - ł ĺ ľ ļ - ń ñ ň ņ
ŕ ř ŗ - ś ş š ß - ť
ź ż ž - ð - þ

New Code, uses Replaceset: a a a a a a a a a
e e e e e e e e e
i i i i i i i i
o o o o o o o o o
u u u u u u u
æ œ
y y
c c c - d d - g g
k - l l l l - n n n n
r r r - s s s ss - t
z z z - ð - þ

Data Structures

Test of CommposerHead and CommposerFoot at User:CHGiffen/Tomás Luis de Victoria

Data structures tests (on old structures)

Original text and translations may be found at Ave Maria.

Original text and translations may be found at Psalm 131.

Original text and translations may be found at O magnum mysterium (only first part), Psalm 23, and Ave Maria - Virgo serena.

External pages
