O crux splendidior (Pierre de Manchicourt)

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  • (Posted 2015-06-28)  CPDL #35915:       
Editor: John Hetland (submitted 2015-06-28).   Score information: Letter, 10 pages, 1.28 MB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Source: Pierre de Manchicourt: Opera omnia, ed. John D. Wicks and L.J. Wagner, CMM, 1999. Notation here is at the original pitch, with time values halved. Translation, text underlay and musica ficta by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 1 Mar 2017

General Information

Title: O crux splendidior
Composer: Pierre de Manchicourt

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1554 in Sacrarum cantionum … quinque et sex vocum, liber 1, no. 9
    2nd published: 1554 in Cantionum sacrarum liber 5 (Pierre de Manchicourt), no. 5

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

O crux splendídior cúnctis ástris,
quae sóla fuísti dígna
portáre taléntum múndi,
dúlce lígnum,
dúlces clávos,
dúlcia férens póndera;
   sálva praeséntem catérvam
   in túis hódie láudibus consecrátam.
(Magnificat antiphon for 2nd Vespers at the Invention of the Holy Cross, May 3)

Nóbile lígnum exaltátum
súper ómnia lígna cedrórum,
in quo víta múndi pepéndit.
Chrístus triumphávit
et própria mórtem,
mórtem ómnium superávit;
   sálva praeséntem catérvam
   in túis hódie láudibus consecrátam.

English.png English translation

O cross, brighter than all the stars,
you alone were worthy
to bear the weight of the world,
sweet wood,
sweet nails,
holding up the sweet body;
   save the present congregation
   dedicated today to your praises.

Noble cross, exalted
above all woods of cedars,
on which the life of the world hung.
Christ triumphed
and with his own death
overcame the death of all.
   save the present congregation
   dedicated today to your praises.

See also text page for O crux splendidior.