Era l'anima mia

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General information

Author: Giovanni Battista Guarini, 1598 in Rime. Madrigal 69

In the Rime, this poem is entitled "Morte soccorsa".

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Era l'anima mia
già presso l'ultim'hore
e languia come langue alma che more;
quand'anima più bella, e più gradita
volse lo sguardo in sì pietoso giro
che mi ritenne in vita.
Parean dir que'bei lumi,
deh, perché ti consumi?
Non m'è sì caro il cor, ond'io respiro,
come se' tu, cor mio;
se mori, ohimé, non mori tu, mor io.

English.png English translation

My soul was
already close to its final hour
and languished as languishes a dying soul;
when a most beautiful and pleasant soul
set her gaze upon me with such pity
that it kept me alive.
Seemed to say those eyes:
"Ah!, why do you consume yourself?
The heart which keeps me breathing
is not as dear to me as you are.
If you die, alas!, it is not you who dies, but I."

Translation by Campelli
French.png French translation

Était mon âme
déjà si proche de son heure finale
et languissait comme languit âme mourante;
quand âme plus belle et plus agréable
tourna son bel égard avec tant de pitié
que me maintint en vie.
Paraissent dire ces belles prunelles :
« Alors, pourquoi dépérir autant?
Ce cœur qui me fait respirer ne m'est pas aussi cher
que toi-même, mon cœur;
si tu meurs, hélas, ce n'est pas toi qui meurs, c'est moi. »

Translation by Campelli

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