On the mountain (Traditional)

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  • (Posted 2000-11-27)  CPDL #01741:  Network.png
Editor: Christopher R. Baker (submitted 2000-11-27).   Copyright: CC BY 1.0
Edition notes: German verse also available

General Information

Title: On the Mountain
Composer: Anonymous (Traditional)

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredCarol

Languages: English, German
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

On the mountain the wind blows wild,
There Mary rocks her child,
She rocks him with her snow white hand;
Her cradle has no ribbon hand.
Ach, Joseph, dearest Jeseph mine,
O help me rock this bae of thine.
How can I the baby to dreamland send?
Just see how my fingers can hardly bend.
Byelo, Byelo!

German.png German text

Auf dem Berge da weht der Wind,
Da wiegt Maria a ihr Kind;
Sie wiegt es mit ihrer schneeweissen Hand,
Und hat auch dazu kein Wiegenband.
Ach, Joseph, lieber Joseph mein,
Ach hilf mir weigen mein Knabelein.
Wie kann ich dir denn dein Knabelein wieg'n?
Ich kann ja kaum selber die Finger beig'n!
Schun, schei, schun, schei!