Komm, heilger Geist, o Schöpfer du (Hugo Distler)

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  • (Posted 2017-09-07)  CPDL #46256:       
Editor: Charles Pearson (submitted 2017-09-07).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 262 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: English lyrics: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, God
  • (Posted 2017-09-07)  CPDL #46255:         
Editor: Charles Pearson (submitted 2017-09-07).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 265 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: German lyrics.

General Information

Title: Komm, heilger Geist, o Schöpfer du
Composer: Hugo Distler
Lyricist: Latin, Tr. Martin Luther (1529)create page

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SAB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1933 in Der Jahrkreis, no. 23
Description: Pentecost motet based on Veni creator spiritus by Angelus Silesius (Johannes Scheffler), 7 vv. strophic (in translation attributed to Martin Luther)

External websites:

Original text and translations

German.png German text

1. Komm, heilger Geist, o Schöpfer du,
sprich deinen armen Seelen zu:
erfüll mit Gnaden, süßer Gast,
die Brust, die du geschaffen hast.

2. Zünd uns ein Licht an im Verstand,
entflamm das Herz in Liebesbrand,
stärk unser schwaches Fleisch und Blut
durch deiner Gottheit starken Mut.

3. Der du der Tröster bist genannt,
des allerhöchsten Gottes Pfand,
du Liebesquell, du Lebensbronn,
du Herzensalbung, Gnadensonn!

4. Du siebenfaches Gnadengut,
du Hand des Herrn, die Wunder tut;
du lösest aller Zungen Band,
gibst frei das Wort in alle Land.

5. Den Feind treib von uns fern hinweg
und bring uns auf des Frieden Steg,
daß wir, durch deine Huld geführt,
vom Argen bleiben unberührt.

6. Lehr uns den Vater kennen wohl,
und wie den Sohn man ehren soll;
im Glauben mache uns bekannt,
wie du von beiden wirst gesandt.

7. Ehr sei dem Vater, unserm Herrn,
und seinem Sohn, dem Lebensstern,
dem Heilgen Geiste gleicherweis,
sei jetzt und ewig Lob und Preis.

English.png English translation

1. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, God,
Your children long to hear You, Lord.
With grace refresh, O Guest most dear,
the hearts You have created here.

2. To help us understand, give light.
Within our hearts love's flame ignite
and strengthen our weak flesh and blood
with Your divine and heav'nly food.

3. We call You Comforter, O Lord,
the promise of the most high God,
the Source of life, of love the Well,
the Salve for hearts that pain dispels.

4. O Fount of all the gifts of grace,
O Hand of God that wonders makes,
cut loose from all our tongues the bands;
Your Word make known in ev’ry land.

5. Drive far from us the enemy
and put us on the path of peace;
and on that path, by Your grace led,
may we remain untouched by dread.

6. Teach us to know the Father well
and how to praise the Son as well;
and by our faith may it be known
how You from both to us have come.

7. Praise to the Father, ev'ryone,
and praise the Star of Life, His Son,
and to the Holy Spirit be
all honor, praise eternally.