Before me, careless lying (Charles Harford Lloyd)
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- Editor: David Anderson (submitted 2023-11-09). Score information: Letter, 16 pages, 764 kB Copyright: Personal
- Edition notes:
General Information
Title: Before me, careless lying
Composer: Charles Harford Lloyd
Lyricist: Henry Austin Dobson
Number of voices: 5vv Voicing: SSATB, divisi
Genre: Secular, Partsong
Language: English
Instruments: A cappella
First published: 1900 Novello and Co.
External websites:
Original text and translations
English text
Before me, careless lying,
Young Love his wares comes crying;
Full soon the elf untreasures
His pack of pains and pleasures—
With roguish eye,
He bids me buy,
From out his pack of treasures.
His wallet’s stuffed with blisses,
With true-love-knots and kisses,
With rings and rosy fetters,
And sugared vows and letters—
He holds them out
With boyish flout,
And bids me try the fetters.
Nay, Child, (I cry,) I know them;
There’s little need to show them!
Too well for new believing
I know their past deceiving—
I am too old
(I say,) and cold,
Today, for new believing!
But still the wanton presses,
With honey-sweet caresses,
And still, to my undoing,
He wins me, with his wooing,
To buy his wares
With all their cares,
Their sorrow and undoing!