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Vienna, O(two dots)sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung, Mus. Hs. 18.744
Vienna, O(two dots)sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung, Mus. Hs. 18.744
==Missa entre vous filles==
Kyrie, sop part.

%check bar 26 of sop part - minim in middle of bar
\key f \major
%melisma on bar 29 of alto part
%Kyrie eleison
%ef on penultimate bar of tenor part?
f2 a4 c bes2 a | f g a1 | r1 bes2 bes4 bes | a2. g4 f2 a | g4 f f1 e2 | f1 r1 | r1 bes2 bes4 bes | a2. g4 f2 a | g f2. g4 a2~ | a4 g f1 e2 | f\breve |  
%typo on ra, last line of bass part
\version "2.10.33"
\key f \major
      #(set-global-staff-size 18)
%christe eleison
\paper {
r1 c2. bes4 | a g f2 c1 | d g2 a | g1 r2 g2 | a1 f | g2 a r2 d2 | g g4 c2~ |c4 \set suggestAccidentals = ##t b8 a b2 \set suggestAccidentals = ##f c4 g a2 |
#(set-paper-size "a4")
      ragged-last-bottom = ##f
      ragged-bottom = ##f
%annotate-spacing = ##t
\include ""
%sop part
\relative c''
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Cantus"
\key f \major
\time 2/2
%first line
g1 g
\time 3/2
f fs2 g1 a2 a b c4 a~a g2 g4 f2  
\time 2/2
e1 fs g2. e4
%second line
e4 r8 c'8~c a4 f8~f bf4 g a8 fs8. fs16 fs4 g g2 e1 f4 f g2 a4 c d2
%third line
b4 c a4. a8 e2 fs g4 g b4. b8 c2 a2~a4 a c bf~bf g e4. e8
%fourth line
e2 fs g r4 g4 g2 bf4 bf4 a bf4 a2 fs4 f2 f4 f g2 a4~
%fifth line
a4 a4 a2 g2 r2 r2 r4 f4~f4 f f f fs2 g4 d'~d d a4. a8
%sixth line
b2 r4 c4~c8 c8 c4 cs2 d4 bf4~bf8 bf8 bf4 bf1 a1~a1~a1~a1
\addlyrics {
%first line
Ec -- ce di -- es, ni -- gras quae tol -- let lae -- ta te -- ne -- bras, Mox ve -- ni
%second line
-- et, sol -- vens no -- do -- sa vo -- lu -- mi -- na va -- tum Gen -- tis Ju -- dae -- ae,  re -- fe --
%third line
rent, ut car -- mi -- na ple -- bis. Hunc po -- te -- runt cla -- rum vi -- ro -- rum tan -- ge --
%fourth line
re re -- gem, Hu -- ma -- no quem vir -- go si -- nu in -- vi -- o -- la -- ta
%fifth line
fo -- ve -- bit. An -- nu -- it hoc coe -- lum, ru -- ti -- lan -- ti --
%sixth line
a si -- de -- ra mon -- strant, si -- de -- ra mon -- strant. __
%Altus part
\relative c'
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Altus"
\key f \major
\time 2/2
%first line
d1 ef
\time 3/2
d1 d2 e1 e2 e g g4 f4~f4 d2 ef4 d2
\time 2/2
b1 d b2. c4
%second line
c8 g'4 e8 c4 f d bf8 ef4 c8 d4 d2 e a,1 a4 a e'2 f2. f4
%third line
g4 e f c~c8 cs8 cs4 d2 d4 d g4. g8 e2 e2 f4 f c d bf4. bf8 c2
%fourth line
cs2 d e e d4 e f2 fs4 g8 \melisma f e d \melismaEnd e4  a2 d,2 d4 d e2
%fifth line
f1 d4. \melisma e8  f e f4 \melismaEnd bf,8 \melisma c d  bf  c2 \melismaEnd d4 d2 d4 d d d2 fs4 fs2 fs4 
%sixth line
g4. g8 e4 e4~e8 e8 g4 a2 f8 f4 f8 g2 g1 fs~fs~fs~fs
\addlyrics {
%First line
Ec -- ce di -- es, ni -- gras quae tol -- let lae -- ta te -- ne -- bras, Mox ve -- ni --
%second line
et, sol -- vens no -- do -- sa vo -- lu -- mi -- na va -- tum Gen -- tis Ju -- dae -- ae, re --
%third line
fe -- rent, ut car -- mi -- na ple -- bis. Hunc po -- te -- runt, cla -- rum vi -- ro -- rum tan -- ge -- re
%fourth line
re -- gem, Hu -- ma -- no quem vir -- go si -- _  nu in -- vi -- o -- la
%fifth line
ta fo_ -- ve_ -- bit. An -- nu -- it hoc coe -- lum, ru -- ti --
%sixth line
lant -- ti -- a si -- de -- ra mon -- strant, si -- de -- ra mon -- strant. __
%tenor part
\relative c
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor"
\key f \major
\time 2/2
\clef "treble_8"
g'2 bf ~ | bf1 |   % 3
\time 3/2
bf1 a2 | c1 cs2 |  % 5
cs d e4 c ~ | c b2 c4 a2 \time 2/2 |
gs1 | a |   % 9
d2. g,4 | g c a f |  % 11
bf g8 bf c8. a16 a4 ~ | a b c2 |  % 13
cs1 | d4 c c2 |  % 15
c4 a bf2 | g4 a f4. f8 |  % 17
a2 d, | g4 g d'4. d8 |  % 19
c2 cs! | d4 c a f |  % 21
g4. g8 g2 | a a |  % 23
c c | b!4 c d2 |  % 25
d4 d4~d8 \melisma cs16 bf cs4 \melismaEnd | d2 bf |   % 27
bf4 bf c2 | c4 d \melisma c8 a c4 ~ |  % 29
c8 bf bf a16 bf c4 \melismaEnd d~  | d8 \melisma  c bf4~bf a |  % 31
\melismaEnd bf  bf2 bf4 | a a bf2 |  % 33
a d ~ | d4 d g,4. g8 |  % 35
a4 e'4. e8 e4 | d2 bf4 ef4~ef8 ef8 d4 d2 d1~d~d~d
\addlyrics {
%First line
Ec -- ce di -- es, ni -- gras quae tol -- let lae -- ta te -- ne -- bras, Mox ve -- ni --
%second line
et, sol -- vens no -- do -- sa vo -- lu -- mi -- na va -- tum Gen -- tis Ju -- dae -- ae, re -- fe --
%third line
rent, ut car -- mi -- na ple -- bis. Hunc po -- te -- runt, cla -- rum vi -- ro -- rum tan -- ge -- re
%fourth line
re -- gem, Hu -- ma -- no quem vir -- go si_ --  nu in -- vi -- o -- la
%fifth line
ta fo_ -- ve_ -- bit. An -- nu -- it hoc coe -- lum, ru -- ti --
%sixth line
lant -- ti -- a si -- de -- ra mon -- strant, si -- de -- ra mon -- strant. __
%bass part
\relative c
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Bassus"
\key f \major
\time 2/2
\clef bass
g'1 | ef |  % 3
\time 3/2
bf d2 | c1 a2 |  % 5
a' g c,4 f ~ | f g2 c,4 d2 \time 2/2 |
e1 | d |  % 9
g,2. c4 | c r f d |  % 11
bf ef c8 f d8. d16 | d4 g c,2 |  % 13
r a | d4 f c2 |  % 15
f r | r1 |  % 17
r2 r4 a | bf4. bf8 g2 |   % 19
r4 a2 a4 | d, f2 bf,4 |  % 21
ef4. ef8 c2 | a d |  % 23
r4 c c2 | g4 c bf4. \melisma c8 |  % 25
d4 \melismaEnd g a2 | d, r |  % 27
r1 | f2 f4 f |   % 29
g2 a4 d, | g2 f |  % 31
r4 bf,2 bf4 | d d g2 |  % 33
d4 d2 d4 | g,4. g8 c2 |   % 35
c'4. c8 a2 \melisma | bf \melismaEnd ef,4. \melisma  f8 | g1 | \melismaEnd d ~ d ~d ~d
\addlyrics {
%First line
Ec -- ce di -- es, ni -- gras quae tol -- let lae -- ta te -- ne -- bras, Mox ve -- ni --
%second line
et, sol -- vens no -- do -- sa vo -- lu -- mi -- na va -- tum Gen -- tis Ju -- dae -- ae.
%third line
Hunc po -- te -- runt, cla -- rum vi -- ro -- rum tan -- ge -- re
%fourth line
re -- gem, Hu -- ma -- no quem vir_ -- go si --  nu
%fifth line
in -- vi -- o -- la -- ta fo -- ve -- bit. An -- nu -- it hoc coe -- lum, ru -- ti --
%sixth line
lan -- ti -- a si -- de -- ra_ mon_ -- strant. __
\header {
title = "Sibylla Samia"
composer = "Orlando de Lassus (1530-1594)"
instrument = ""
copyright = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0"
source = "***"
style = "***"
maintainer = "Francis Hemingway"
maintainerEmail = ""
        mutopiatitle = "Sibylla Samia"
mutopiaopus = "***"
mutopiacomposer = "***"
        mutopiainstrument = "***"
date = "***"
footer = "Mutopia-2008/11/25-1600"
tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Copyright © 2008. \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (Unported) License, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"" } } } }

Latest revision as of 19:38, 3 December 2008

my homepage

random stuff

general: ties across half bars

errors in Brian Russel's score of Sibylla Samia words: gentis not Gentis in bar 13 | Gentis in modern similarly for Hunc bar 17 notes general:

just a semibreve at the end (breve in the manuscript and we've halved note values)

sop: bar 11 - it's just 2 fsharps last phrase - repeated sidera mostrant is not marked as editorial (not in manuscipt) tenor: modern has b natural rather than bf on sinu tenor bar 25 (musica ficta - aarg!)

last sidera on tenor part - eflats all the way- over the bar and next note

scores composer = lassus full title of work = ... editor = Reinhold Schlo(two dots over o) tterer place of publication = Kassel publisher = Bärenreiter-Verlag, Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG‎ date 1990

manuscript Vienna, O(two dots)sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung, Mus. Hs. 18.744

Missa entre vous filles

Kyrie, sop part.

\key f \major
%Kyrie eleison
f2 a4 c bes2 a | f g a1 | r1 bes2 bes4 bes | a2. g4 f2 a | g4 f f1 e2 | f1 r1 | r1 bes2 bes4 bes | a2. g4 f2 a | g f2. g4 a2~ | a4 g f1 e2 | f\breve | 

\key f \major
%christe eleison
r1 c2. bes4 | a g f2 c1 | d g2 a | g1 r2 g2 | a1 f | g2 a r2 d2 | g g4 c2~ |c4 \set suggestAccidentals = ##t b8 a b2 \set suggestAccidentals = ##f c4 g a2 |