Firstpublished:1576 in Musica di 13 autori illustri, no. 1 Description: This is the first piece of a collection dedicated to the duke of Bavaria, so probably the text addresses him.
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Original text and translations
Italian text
Spirto real, poi che Real pensiero
Alberga ne la vostr’inclita mente,
Poi che d’animo sete
Illustr’è intero
E sopr’ogn’altro pio giust’e prudente,
Accettate l’amor d’un cor sincero
Ch’ammir’ogn’attion che di voi sente,
E queste brevi note e questo canto
D’un che per quel ch’ei sav’am altretanto.
German translation
Königlicher Geist, da königliches Denken
wohnt in eurem vortrefflichen Sinn,
weil Ihr vom Gemüt her seid
erhaben und vollkommen
und mehr als jeder Andere fromm, gerecht und klug,
empfangt die Liebe eines reinen Herzens,
das bewundert jegliche Tat, die es von euch vernimmt,
und diese knappen Verse und dieses Lied
dessen, der, nach dem, was er weiß, Euch ebenso liebt.
Royal spirit, for royal thinking
dwells in your excellent mind,
because by inclination you are
illustrious and complete
and more than anyone else pious, righteous and prudent,
accept the love of a pure heart,
that admires every action of you it hears of,
and these short verses and this song
by one that, as far as he knows, loves you likewise