Old hundredth

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{\key g \major g2 g4 fis | e d g2 | a b | b b4 b | a g c2 | b a} {\key g \major g2 a4 b | a g e2 | fis g | d' b4 g | a c b2 | a g \bar "||"}

Hymn tune, melody from Pseaumes octante trois de David, 1551.

Meter: 88. 88 (L.M.)

General information

The tune known today as Old hundredth is generally attributed to Loys Bourgeois and appeared in the second edition of the Genevan Psalter as a setting for Psalm 134. In English speaking countries it is most closely associated with the singing of the Doxology and William Kethe's text All people that on earth do dwell, made famous by Ralph Vaughan Williams setting for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

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