Jesu Redemptor omnium
General information
Office Hymn at Vespers during the Christmas season. It was revised as Jesu redemptor omnium in the 17c., previously having been known as Christe Redemptor omnium, ex Patre. Recent Anglican & Lutheran hymnals feature Gilbert Doan's version "O Savior of our fallen race" (ç1978).
Settings by composers
- Caspar Ett ATTB (vv. 1 & 7 only)
- Mariano Garau SATB
- Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki SATB (Odd verses)
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia SATB
- Josquin SATB (v. 2 only)
- Josef Ohnewald SATB (I-vv. 1-2; II-v. 1)
- Diego Ortiz SATTB (vv. 2 & 7)
- Oreste Ravanello SSA (odd verses)
- Josef Ignaz Schnabel SATB (vv. 1-2,7)
- Johann Stadlmayr SATB or SAAB
- Johannes Tauler SATB
Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
- Anonymous — Jesu, Redemptor
- Johann Michael Haydn — Jesu redemptor omnium (Rex gloriose martyrum) MH 329
- Giacomo Antonio Perti — Inno e responsi pel santo Natale a 4 voci con violini
- Valentin Rathgeber — Jesu redemptor omnium, Op. XI, No. 1
- Remi Studer — Jesu Redemptor omnium
- Johannes Tauler — Jesu Redemptor omnium
Text and translations
Latin text 1. Jesu, Redémptor ómnium, |
English translation 1. Jesu, the Ransomer of man, |