Je suys ioyeulx (Claudin de Sermisy)

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  • (Posted 2018-05-09)  CPDL #49597:       
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2018-05-09).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 63 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Je suys ioyeulx
Composer: Claudin de Sermisy

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: STTB
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1532 in Vingt et huit chansons nouvelles en musique a quatre parties (Pierre Attaingnant), no. 20
    2nd published: 1536 in Second livre contenant XXXI chansons musicales (Pierre Attaingnant), no. 14

External websites:

Original text and translations

French.png French text

Je suis joyeux et languis en tristesse.
Je suis dolent et rempli de liesse.
Je suis tout gay et chargé de soucis.
Ce sont amours qui me font tout ceci.
J'ai de tout bien et de tout mal largesse.

English.png English translation

I am joyful and wallow in despair.
I am wretched and feel light as air.
I am worry-free and freighted with fuss.
It’s my love affairs that have made me thus.
I’m rich with all things foul and all things fair.

Translation by Thomas Daughton