Edition notes: Edited from the Baldwin Partbooks and the 1541 Sarum hymnal at source pitch. Note values halved. The tenor, which is missing in the source, has been reconstructed editorially.
General Information
Title: Adesto Sancta Trinitas (1st setting) Composer:John Sheppard Lyricist:
Manuscript ca. 1575 in The Baldwin Partbooks, no. 114 Description: An alternatim setting (even verses) of a hymn for Trinity Sunday. The original tenor is missing.
External websites:
Original text and translations
Latin text
Adesto, sancta Trinitas,
Qui extas rerum omnium
Sine fine principium.
Te caelorum militia
Laudat, adorat, praedicat,
Triplexque mundi machina
Benedicit per saecula.
Assumus et nos cernui
Te adorantes famuli:
Votaque preces supplicum
Hymnis junge caelestium.
Unum te lumen credimus
Quod et ter idem colimus:
Alpha et O quem dicimus
Te laudat omnis Spiritus.
Laus Patri sit Unigenito,
Laus sit Sancto Spiritui,
Trino Deo et simplici.
English translation
1. Be present, O Holy Trinity,
equal in splendour, one deity,
you who are of all things
the beginning without end.
2. May the heavenly army laud,
adore and proclaim you,
and may the world’s threefold frame [heaven, Earth, hell]
speak well of you forever.
3. And we, too, your humble servants,
are here adoring you:
let our suppliant prayers and desires
be joined to the hymns of heaven.
4. We believe you to be the one light,
the same that we revere as threefold.
You whom we call Alpha and Omega,
let all living souls praise.
5. Praise be to the unbegotten Father. Praise to his only-begotten Son.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit,
to God the three and one.