Wach auf, mein's Herzens Schöne (Hugo Distler)

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  • (Posted 2017-09-19)  CPDL #46389:       
Editor: Charles Pearson (submitted 2017-09-19).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 244 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: English lyrics: Awake, my dear beloved
  • (Posted 2017-09-19)  CPDL #46388:         
Editor: Charles Pearson (submitted 2017-09-19).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 245 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Wach auf, mein's Herzens Schöne
Composer: Hugo Distler
Lyricist: Hans Sachs

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SSA
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1933 in Der Jahrkreis, no. 30
Description:  Reformation motet, 3 vv, ABA

External websites:

Original text and translations

German.png German text

1. Wach auf mein's Herzens Schöne,
du christenliche Schar,
und hör' das süß' Getöne
das rein' Wort Gottes klar,
das jetzt so lieblich klinget:
es leucht't recht, als der helle Tag,
durch Gottes Güt' herdringet.

2. Kei'm Gleisner tu mehr trauen,
wie viel' ihr'r immer seind,
vor Menschenlehr' hab’ Grauen,
wie gut sie immer scheint;
glaub' dem Wort Gott's alleine,
darin Gott uns verkündet hat
den guten Willen seine.

3. Selig sei Tag und Stunde,
darin das göttlich' Wort
dir wieder ward zur Kunde,
der Seelen höchster Hort!
Nichts Lieber's soll dir werden,
kein Engel noch kein' Kreatur
im Himmel noch auf Erden.

English.png English translation

1. Awake, my dear beloved,
ye hosts of Christ the Lord,
and hear the sound melodious,
the sound of God's word
that rings out now so sweetly.
The light shines as the light of day,
proclaims God's goodness freely.

2. On hypocrites rely not—
how many you will find.
All worldly knowledge trust not—
though it appear refined.
To God's word e'er be faithful,
for there God has proclaimed to us
His will in scripture truthful.

3. Blest be the day and moment
in which God's holy word
was first imparted to you,
your soul's great treasure store!
There’s nothing gives more pleasure,
nothing in heav’n or earth or mind,
not angel bright nor treasure.