Vaghi augelletti che per valli e monti

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Vaghi augelletti, che per valli e monti
Accompagna(s)te con pietosi accenti
I miei duri lamenti,
Gioite hor meco in festa ed allegrezza,
Poi che l'aspra durezza
Della mia Clori (donna) ha intenerito amore,
Onde son quasi di me stesso fuore.

German.png German translation

Hübsche Vögel, die ihr über Täler und Berge
mit mitleidsvollen Tönen begleitet (habt)
meine schweren Klagen,
erfreut euch nun mit mir in Feiern und Fröhlichkeit,
weil die grausame Hartherzigkeit
meiner Clori (Dame) erweicht hat Amor,
daher bin ich wie außerhalb meiner selbst.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

Pretty birds, that over valleys and mountains
have accompanied (accompany)with pitious notes
my heavy lamentations,
rejoice now with me with feasting and joyfulness,
for the cruel hardheartedness
of my Clori (lady) has been softened by Love,
therefore I feel as if out of myself.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt

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