Giuseppe Mignemi
Born: 10 May 1966
Giuseppe Mignemi is a contemporary Italian composer. He took his degree with maximum vote in Piano (1986) and Composition (2007), in Choral Music and Choir Conduction (Florence 1993), in Vocal Polyphonic Composition (Milan,1999) and in Instrumentation for Wind Band (2004). At the Accademia Chigiana of Siena, he specialized in Contemporary Music (F. Donatoni) and Film Music (E. Morricone).
Mr. Mignemi’s career is filled with composing instrumental and vocal works and concertizing. His works are published by Annie Bank Music Publisher (Holland), Carrara Editions (Bergamo), L'Offerta Musicale (Magazine by Giovanni Acciai) and A.V.E. Editions (Rome). He was the conductor of Poliphonic Chorale "S. Cecilia" in the Cathedral of Acireale, Poliphonic Chorale "S. Pancrazio" in Giardini-Naxos, Chorale "Maria SS. del Rosario" in Fleri (Zafferana Etnea) and of children's choir "Jonia Junior" in Giarre.
Mr. Mignemi achieved two awards of artistic merit at the National Piano Composition Competition of Savona (1995, 1997). He achieved the 1st absolute prize to the National Composition Competition for Sacred Music of Cassino (1998 and 2003). At the International Competition Composition "TIME 2000", organized by the Jan Vermulst Foundation in collaboration with Europe Cantat and A Coeur Joie, he won 3rd prize with the composition "Le temps qui passe," published by Annie Bank Music Publisher in Amstelveen (NL).
In 2001 he obtained a special prize to the 1st National Competition of Choral Processing "Alberto Favara", organized by ARS Cori, with the work "Catania". He has obtained in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 the 1st absolute prize to the National Competition of Choral Composition and Processing of Christmas Songs of Calabria with the works:"Ntra na grutta", "Bombinuzzu bellu bellu", "Nascìu", "E' natu lu bambinellu", "Veni la notti" and "Chi bella la notti di Natali".
In 2004 the Italian Choral Federation (Feniarco) has commissioned him a work to three choirs, "Spiritus Domini", on behalf of the Coro Giovanile Italiano (Italian Youth Choir), performed besides on the occasion of the annual meeting of Europe Cantat (Venice, November 20 th 2004). Your compositions are sung also by Dordt College Chorale and Concert Choir (Iowa-USA) In the 2005 he has obtained 2nd prize at the Composition Competition for choir and organ "Rocco Rodio" in Castellana Grotte. How conductor has achieved different prizes in choral contests.
List of choral works
Sacred (mixed voices)
- Spiritus Domini 12 voices
- Surge Aquilo
- Pater noster
- Ave Maria
- Ave Maria (children + SATB)
- Puer natus
- Ut queant laxis
- Bonum est
- Miserere
- Ave Regina caelorum (SABar)
- Ave Regina caelorum (SSA+FL)
- Mysterium incarnationis:
- Audi Maria (SATB) (SAA)
- Veniet Dominus
- Lux fulgebit
- Hodie Christus Natus est
- Magi videntes stellam
- E' natu lu bambinellu
- Nascìu
- Puer natus
- Silent night (elab.)
- Oh happy day (elab)
- Ntra na grutta (elab.)
- Bombinuzzu bellu bellu (elab.)
- Cantamu bon Natali(elab.)
- Non c'è cchiu' bella festa (elab.)
- Veni la notti
- Chi bella la notti di Natali (elab.)
- Notti i Natali
- A la pitinisa
- A' ghiutu a lu mercatu
- Catania
- Lu sciccareddu
- Sciogghilingua
Pop songs
- Alla fiera dell'est (A. Branduardi)
- La pulce d'acqua (A. Branduardi)
- La gatta (G. Paoli)
- Per te (Jovanotti)
- Vanità di vanità (A. Branduardi)
For children's choirs
- Ave Maria (childrens + SATB)
- Gloria Patri
- Ave Regina caelorum (2003) (SA)
- Laudamus Te (childrens+SATB)
- Pater noster (SA)
- Prof, che stress! (scuola media)
- La rana e il bue
- Padre nostro (Giombini) (children's + SATB)
For youth choirs
- Ave Regina caelorum (SABar)
- Prof, che stress! (inserted in the book teenc@nta - feniarco)
- Le temps qui passe
- Luce e buio (3 female voices)
- Kyrie
- Alleluia
- Sanctus
- Agnus
- In te ho sperato
- Signore pietà
- Gloria
- Santo
- Agnello di Dio
- Tutto ciò che sono(4 voices)(elab.)
- Tutto ciò che sono(2 voices + orgue)
Click here to search for this composer on CPDL
- Carillon (1992), 12 little pieces for piano - Edizioni Carrara, Bergamo (Italy)
- Le temps qui passe (2000), SATB - Annie Bank Music Publisher (Holland)
- Sciogghilingua (2001), SATB - Edizioni Feniarco (Italy)
- Strocca filastrocca (2003), SATB - Edizioni Feniarco (Italy)
- Spiritus Domini (2004), for 3 choirs (SSAT-SATB-ATBB) - Edizioni Feniarco (Italy)
- Prof, che stress! (2004), SATB - Edizioni Feniarco (Italy)
- Lux fulgebit (2006), SATB - L'Offerta Musicale - Ed. Carrara, Bergamo (Italy)