Thy kingdom come, O God (William Boyce)

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  • (Posted 2016-11-11)  CPDL #41776:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2016-11-11).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 27 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Thy kingdom come, O God
Composer: William Boyce
Lyricist: Lewis Hensley

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredHymn   Meter: 66. 66

Language: English
Instruments: Organ

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Thy kingdom come, O God,
Thy rule, O Christ begin;
Break with thine iron rod
the tyrannies of sin.

2. Where is thy reign of peace,
and purity and love?
When shall all hatred cease,
as in the realms above?

3. When comes the promised time
that war shall be no more,
oppression, lust, and crime
shall flee thy face before?

4. We pray thee, Lord, arise,
and come in thy great might;
revive our longing eyes,
which languish for thy sight.

5. Men scorn thy sacred Name,
and wolves devour thy fold;
by many deeds of shame
we learn that love grows cold.

6. O'er heathen lands afar
thick darkness broodeth yet:
arise, O Morning Star,
arise, and never set!