Tenebrae factae sunt
General information
The Fifth Responsory of the Office of Tenebrae on Good Friday. Taken from Psalms 21:2, 30:6; Matthew 27:45-46, 50; Mark 15:33-34, 37; Luke 23:44, 46; John 19:30.
Settings by composers
Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
- Giuseppe Belloni — Tenebrae factae sunt
- Francisco López Capillas — Tenebrae factae sunt
- Mamerts Celminskis — Tenebrae factae sunt
- Pedro de Cristo — Tenebrae factae sunt
- Pietro Amico Giacobetti — Tenebrae facti sunt
- Antonio Politano — Tenebrae factae sunt
- Valentin Rathgeber — Tenebrae factae sunt, Op. XIV Pars III, No. T3
- Jan Dismas Zelenka — Responsories for Good Friday, ZWV 55:10-18
- Annibale Zoilo — Tenebrae factae sunt
Text and translations
Latin text Ténebræ factæ sunt, dum crucifixíssent Jesum Judǽi: Si fecero le tenebre mentre crocifiggevano Gesù i Giudei, |
English translation It became dark, when the Jews had crucified Jesus: Ciemność zapadła nad Ziemią, gdy ukrzyżowano Jezusa, |