Talk:Lord, let me know mine end (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)
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I ve noticed that there's quite a few mistakes in the Fowler Edition ... ThomasTallis 15:13, 1 January 2016
- Could you please be more specific? That might help other users comparing the editions. Thanks, —Carlos (talk) 03:07, 5 January 2016 (UTC)
- It would also be very helpful to know which mistakes in my edition you've spotted, since I'd like to correct them. Jamesgibb (talk) 09:21, 5 January 2016 (UTC)
Corrections against J.B.C. & Co Ltd. score
- Bars 4-6, Tenor I: notes are D (tied over barline), E quaver, E quaver, E quaver, D crotchet, C♯ quaver, B crotchet ("know mine" rhythm is quaver, crotchet, quaver)
- Bar 8, Bass II: last note ("be") is F♯, not E
- Bar 17, Alto I: last note ("as") is F♯, not G
- Bar 20, Soprano II: last note ("of") is B, not D
- Bar 20, Alto II: first note ("no-") is F♯ (not A), and last note ("of") is F♯ (not C♯)
- Bar 22, Soprano I: third note ("-ly") is G♯ (not B) and last note ("and") is A (not D)
- Bar 22, Tenor II: fourth note ("-ly") is D (not C♯)
- Bar 26, Soprano I: last note ("man") is E, not F♯
- Bar 26, Soprano II: first note ("liv-") is G♯, not A♯
- Bar 7-28, Soprano I: tied note over barline ("man") is C♯, not D
- Bar 38, all parts: "cannot" is in duplet rhythm, not triplet (i.e. two crotchets)
- Bar 44, Tenor II: first note ("And") is C♯ (not A♯)
- Bar 46, Tenor II: first note ("what") is E♮ (not E♭)
- Bar 49, Tenor I: last note ("hope") should be tied over the barline, and the second note in bar 50 is A♯, not C♯
- Bar 49, Alto II: last note ("hope"), tied over the barline, is F♯, not A♯
- Bar 50, Soprano II: last two notes ("in Thee") are G♯ C♯ (not F♯ G♯)
- Bar 52, Alto II: third note ("me"), is A♮, not A♯
- Bar 58, Alto I: third note ("not") is G♭, not B♭
- Bar 58, Alto I: first note ("-buke") is E♭, not G♭
- Bar 58, Tenor I: third note ("not") is D♭, not G♭
- Bar 59, Tenor I: first note ("-buke") is B♭, not E♭
- Bar 64, Alto II: first two notes ("I be-"), are E♭, not C
- Bar 78, Alto II: second note is D♮, not E♮
- Bar 84, Alto I: first note ("-sumed") is B♮, not D♮
- Bars 88-92, Alto I: first three notes are B♭, F, G (not F, E♭, D)
- Bar 99, Tenor II: first note ("-sume") is G, not A
- Bar 101, Soprano II and Alto II: lyric is "as it", not "fretting"
- Bar 102, Tenor I: first "fretting" is B♭ B♭ (not F D), second is G G (not D C), third is F F (not C B♭) and the last note of the bar ("a") is F (not D)
- Bar 105, Alto II: third note ("man") is G, not B♭
- Bar 106, Alto II: first three notes ("ev'ry") are E♮, not E♭
- Bar 114, Soprano I: last three notes ("-der my") are F, E, D (i.e. a run down the scale; not C, F, D)
- Bar 126, Bass I: last note ("as") is F♯, not A
- Bar 129, Soprano I: typo in lyric: "spare"
- Bar 143, Tenor II: fifth note ("I") is D, not E
BirchYellow (talk) 17:28, 11 January 2023 (UTC)