Sunset to sunrise changes now (Elkanah Dare)

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Editor: Andrew Sims (submitted 2024-09-22).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 44 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The hymn with an alternative harmony and barring taken from the hymnal and underlaid words published in The Hymnal 1982.
Editor: Andrew Sims (submitted 2024-09-22).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 141 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The hymn in the version published in The Hymnal 1982, melody with words.

General Information

Title: Sunset to sunrise changes now
Composer: Elkanah Dare
Tune: Kedron
Lyricist: Clement of Alexandriacreate page

Translation by Howard Chandler Robbins

Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: Unison
Genre: SacredHymn   Meter: 88. 88 (L.M.)

Language: English
Instruments: Organ

First published:
Description: Melody attributed to Elkanah Dare, harmony adapted from The Southern Harmony

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Sunset to sunrise changes now,
for God doth make his world anew;
on the Redeemer’s thorn-crowned brow
the wonders of that dawn we view.

E’en though the sun withholds its light,
lo! a more heavenly lamp shines here,
and from the cross on Calvary’s height
gleams of eternity appear.

Here in o’er-whelming final strife
the Lord of life hath victory,
and sin is slain, and death brings life,
and earth inherits heaven’s key.