Sfogava con le stelle (Claudio Monteverdi)

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  • (Posted 2013-06-19)  CPDL #29441:       
Editor: Peter Rottländer (submitted 2013-06-19).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 136 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Revision 1.1: Spelling errors corrected (thanks to Pothárn Imre)
Last revised: 2014-01-03
  • (Posted 2013-01-30)  CPDL #28176:         
Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2013-01-30).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 86 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Usage of mensurstrich, original note values and key signature, clefs modernized, musica ficta clearly marked.
Last revised: 2013-07-25
  • (Posted 2009-01-18)  CPDL #18797:      (Finale 2009)
Editor: Kurt Pages (submitted 2009-01-18).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 102 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Source: original printing Venice 1603. – The falsobordone are not transformed in rhythm.
  • (Posted 2003-04-08)  CPDL #04729:  Network.png PDF, MIDI & Overture files
Editor: John Kilpatrick (submitted 2003-04-08).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 58 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Correction to lyrics, March 2008: "inferno" replaced by "infermo".

General Information

Title: Sfogava con le stelle
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi
Lyricist: Ottavio Rinuccini (doubted, see discussion)

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1603 in Il quarto libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Claudio Monteverdi), no. 4

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Sfogava con le stelle
un infermo1 d’amore
sotto notturno cielo il suo dolore.
E dicea fisso in loro:
«O imagini belle
de l’idol mio ch’adoro,
sì com’a me mostrate
mentre così splendete
la sua rara beltate,
così mostraste2 a lei
i vivi ardori miei:
la fareste col vostr’aureo sembiante
pietosa sì come me fate amante».

Malipiero's edition had minor spelling differences
that changed considerably the meaning of the text:
1inferno (more details on the talk page)
2mostrate a lei ("show her" [imperative])
English.png English translation

A lovesick man was
venting to the stars
his grief, under the night sky.
And staring at them he said:
"O beautiful images
of my idol whom I adore,
just as you are showing me
her rare beauty
while you sparkle so well,
so also demonstrate to her
my living ardour:
by your golden appearance you'd make her
compassionate, just as you make me loving."

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

Confessava às estrelas
um enfermo de amor,
sob o noturno céu, a sua dor.
E, fitando-as, dizia:
«Oh belas imagens
da idolatrada minha que adoro,
assim como a mim mostrais,
quando assim resplandeceis,
a rara beleza dela,
assim também mostrai a ela
meus vívidos ardores:
fareis dela, com vosso dourado semblante,
piedosa, assim como me fazeis amante».

Translation by Carlos Augusto Mourão
German.png German translation

Es klagte den Sternen
ein Liebeskranker
unter nächtlichem Himmel seinen Schmerz.
Und er sagt bei ihrem Anblick:
„O schöne Abbilder
meines Idols, das ich anbete.
Wie ihr mir,
während ihr so glänzt,
ihre seltene Schönheit zeigt,
so zeigt ihr
meine lodernde Leidenschaft.
Ihr würdet sie mit eurem goldenen Schein
mitleidsvoll machen – so wie ihr mich
zum Liebenden macht.“

Translation by Kurt Pages
Spanish.png Spanish translation

Desfogaba con las estrellas
un enfermo de amor
bajo el cielo nocturno
su gran dolor,
y decía fijando la mirada en ellas:
"Oh, imágenes bellas del ídolo mío que adoro,
así como a mí me mostráis,
con vuestro resplandor,
su rara belleza,
de la misma manera mostradle
los vivos fuegos de mi pasión.
Gracias a vuestra sublime apariencia
se volverá tierna tal como me habéis vuelto enamorado".

Czech.png Czech translation

Žaloval hvězdám nemocný láskou,
pod noční oblohou jim vyzpíval svou bolest
a upíraje k ním svůj pohled, pravil:
Jste jako krásné obrazy té, jíž se klaním.
Kéž byste mohly, tak jako zrcadlíte její vzácnou tvář,
ukázat jí vroucí plamen, který mne spaluje!
A potom zlatým svým leskem soucit v ní zažehnout,
tak, jako ve mně probouzíte lásku.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Een man, ziek van de liefde, luchtte zijn pijn
Tot de sterren onder de nachtelijke hemel.
Hij sprak, strak naar hen starend:
"O mooie beelden van mijn idool van wie ik hou,
Zoals jullie haar zeldzame schoonheid aan mij tonen,
Terwijl jullie daar zo schijnen,
Toon ook zo aan haar mijn levende hartstocht:
Maak haar genadig met jullie gouden gelaat,
Ja, zoals jullie mij tot minnaar hebben gemaakt.

Translation by Dirkjan Horringa