Sacros celestes coros (Manuel Gaytán y Arteaga)

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  • (Posted 2014-12-03)  CPDL #33582:        (Finale 2014)
Editor: José Medina (submitted 2014-12-03).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 532 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Sacros Celestes Coros
Composer: Manuel Gaytán y Arteaga

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SSAT
Genre: SacredVillancico

Language: Spanish
Instruments: Mixed ensemble

First published:
Description: Composer: most probably Manuel Gaytán y Arteaga, chapel master of the Metropolitan Church of Cordova around 1760. Manuscripts found in the Archives of the Archbishopric of Lima. According to the original document specifications, the "Estrivo Allegro" is repeated after each couplet. (Measures 47-66). Because of text reasons, it is suggested to begin the repetitions with measure 39 (Gloria in excelsis Deo)

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Original text and translations

Spanish.png Spanish and Latin.png Latin text

Sacros celestes coros
dulces cantores diestros
que con respeto y pasmo
a vuestro Rey eterno
mirais desnudo y pobre
temblando al crudo cierzo,
cantad en sus ala banzas
con trinos y gorjeos
porque ha nacido humano.

Gloria in excelsis Deo
et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.

Sigan cantando hoy los zagales,
puesto que viene Dios tierno infante,
dando humilde prendas bastantes,
de que ya el cielo firma las paces,
por medio suyo, con los mortales.

Alaben todas las gentes
al divino verbo en carne.
Laudamus te le repitan
por sus obras admirables.