Sacrarum cantionum cum 6 & 12 vocibus … liber primus (Philippe de Monte)
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General Information
Description: Philippe de Monte's first book of motets for six voices with the last motet for twelve.
Title: PHILIPPI DE MONTE / S. C. MAIESTATIS CAPPELLAE MAGISTRI / SACRARVM CANTIONVM / Cum Sex et Duodecim Vocibus, / Quae vulgo Motecta nuncupantur, nunc primum in lucem editus. / LIBER PRIMVS. / Venetijs Apud Angelum Gardanum. / M D L XXXV.
Genre: Sacred
Subgenre: Motets
Voices: 6 and 12.
First Publication date and place: 1585 in Venice: Angelo Gardano.
Known editions:
Facsimile: Universitäts-Bibliothek, Kassel