Rompan los vagos espacios (José de Nebra)

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  • (Posted 2010-12-24)  CPDL #22911:        (Sibelius 5)
Editor: Jonathan Goodliffe (submitted 2010-12-24).   Score information: A4, 17 pages, 154 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: From the Música Colonial Archive. Tempo indications and dynamics may have been added to the manuscript at a later date. In bar 104 second violin, the first note has been changed editorially from C to B. Bar 118 has been added editorially.

General Information

Title: Rompan los vagos espacios
Composer: José de Nebra

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SSAB, or SSAT
Genre: SacredCantata

Language: Spanish
Instruments: String ensemble

First published:
Description: A four part cantata. The fourth voice part is described as “tenor”, although it seems more appropriate for baritone voices.

External websites:

Original text and translations

Spanish.png Spanish text

Soprano solo
Rompan los vagos espacios del viento
cadencias sonoras,
pues de María en la sacra pureza
los hombres se gozan.

Rompan los vagos espacios del viento
cadencias sonoras,
pues de María en la sacra pureza
los hombres se gozan.

Y al culto convocan
la esfera con giros,
la flor con aromas
y el sol con incendios,
y el orbe con glorias.

Rompan los vagos espacios del viento
cadencias sonoras,
pues de María en la sacra pureza
los hombres se gozan.


Alto solo
1. Adora, amor divino, pureza tan heroica,
y como a fatigas expresa lo amante,
le ven humanado buscar lo que adora.

Si como delicia del cielo la nombra,
rompan los vagos espacios del viento
cadencias sonoras.

Alto solo
2. La gloria de María mayor alteza goza,
que si antes de amor solo el cielo fue trono,
su heroica pureza del cielo es la gloria.

Pues luce en las aras amable y piadosa,
rompan los vagos espacios del viento
cadencias sonoras.


Delicia del Señor es su hermosura,
su gracia y su pureza,
¡o feliz criatura!,
sin igual en candor y en la belleza,
milagro peregrino,
en quien por alto exceso amor divino
abrevió soberano
premio, alivio y favor para el humano.

Area a duo

María es por quien vive
humano nuestro ser.
Alto esplendor recibe,
el que en sus aras logra fallecer.


Rindanla, póstrenla cultos
obsequios, votos y aromas,
por reina, por madre,
por virgen, y esposa.
Rindanla, póstrenla cultos
obsequios, votos y aromas.

English.png English translation

Soprano solo
Let sonorous cadences break through
the empty spaces of the wind,
as men rejoice
in the sacred chastity of Mary.

Let sonorous cadences break through
the empty spaces of the wind,
as men rejoice
in the sacred chastity of Mary.

And to the worship they summon
the spinning sphere,
the scented flower,
and the incandescent sun,
and the glory-filled firmament. [earth, moon, sun and stars?]

Let sonorous cadences break through
the empty spaces of the wind,
as men rejoice
in the sacred chastity of Mary.


Alto solo
1. Divine Love adores so heroic chastity,
and as a lover expresses his yearning,
all see Him incarnate to seek what he loves.

While He names her Delight of Heaven,
let sonorous cadences break through
the empty spaces of the wind.

Alto solo
2. Greater highness enjoys Mary's glory,
for if once heaven alone was throne to Love,
her heroic chastity is the glory of heaven.

Because she shines on the altar, kind and pious,
let sonorous cadences break through
the empty spaces of the wind.


Delight of the Lord is her loveliness,
her grace and chastity,
oh happy creature!
Unparalleled in innocence and in beauty,
wandering miracle,
in whom Divine Love has exceedingly
condensed a supreme prize,
relief and favor for humankind.

Duet for sopranos

Mary is [the one] for whom
we human beings live.
Great splendor receive those
who come to die at her altar.

Final chorus

Surrender to her, prostrate with worships,
gifts, vows and incenses
for the Queen, Mother,
Virgin, and Wife.
Surrender to her, prostrate with worships,
gifts, vows and incenses.
Translation by Carlos Augusto Mourão