Quel augellin che canta (Claudio Monteverdi)

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  • (Posted 2017-06-30)  CPDL #45210:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2017-06-30).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 71 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: reformatting of #21868. Time signature changed to 2/2 and musica ficta absorbed into staves.
  • (Posted 2013-07-17)  CPDL #29653:       
Editor: Peter Rottländer (submitted 2013-07-17).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 145 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: SSTTB version.
  • (Posted 2010-06-26)  CPDL #21868:         
Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2010-06-26).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 81 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: SSTTB version to avoid alterations. Mensural notation, original key and note values.
  • (Posted 2008-06-24)  CPDL #17345:   
Editor: Bhaskoro Dwi Widhianto (submitted 2008-06-24).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 61 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2006-06-15)  CPDL #11908:  IMSLP.png
Editor: Pierre Gouin (submitted 2006-06-15).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 122 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2003-06-10)  CPDL #05242:   
Editor: Patricio Cueto (submitted 2003-06-10).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 80 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Quel augellin che canta
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi
Lyricist: Giovanni Battista Guarini

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicings: SSATB or SSTTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1603 in Il quarto libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Claudio Monteverdi), no. 14
    2nd published: 1605 in Giardino novo I (Melchior Borchgrevinck), no. 13
Description: Many editions currently availlable have been altered from the original composition in order to allow the alto part to be sung by a female alto. For this, the notes in bar 15 have been transposed up an octave. The initial note of these notes has sometimes been transposed up a 6th to ease the singing.

External websites:

  • English translations of the Fourth Book of Monteverdi's Madrigals (Quarto libro dei madrigali) at Quel augellin che canta

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Quel Augellin, che canta
Si dolcemente
E lascivetto vola
Hor da l'abete al faggio
Et hor dal faggio al mirto,-
S'havesse humano spirto,
Direbb': Ardo d'amor, ardo d'amore!
Ma ben arde nel core
E chiam' il suo desio
Che li rispond':
Ardo d'amor anch' io!
Che sii tu benedetto,
Amoroso, gentil, vago augelletto!

English.png English translation

That little bird which sings
So sweetly
And gaily flies
Now from the fir to the beechtree
And now from the beech to the myrtle,
If he had a human mind,
Would say: I burn with love, I burn with love!
But in his heart he burns indeed
And calls to his beloved
Who replies to him:
I too am burning with love!
How fortunate you are,
Sweet little loving bird!

Translation by Mick Swithinbank
German.png German translation

Jenes Vögelein, das so süß
Singt und voll Verlangen bald
Von der Tanne zur Buche,
Bald von der Buche zur Myrte fliegt;
wenn es menschlichen Verstand hätte,
sagte es: Ich brenne vor Liebe.
Aber es brennt wohl im Herzen
Und es ruft seiner Geliebten
Die antwortet: Auch ich brenne vor Liebe!
Wie bist du gesegnet,
Verliebtes, zartes, anmutiges Vögelein!

Translation by Peter Rottländer