Quant je boy du vin claret (Guillaume Le Heurteur)

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  • (Posted 2008-04-15)  CPDL #16670:   
Editor: Luca Dragani (submitted 2008-04-15).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 161 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: In G major, for AAT. Individual parts available. Free edition for flute from flauto-dolce.it: lyrics missing (but can be added from STB score below).
Error.gif Possible error(s) identified. Error summary: Score doesn't contain any text
  • (Posted 2002-08-12)  CPDL #03932:   
Editor: Laura Conrad (submitted 2002-08-12).   Score information: Letter, 24 pages, 280 kB   Copyright: GnuGPL
Edition notes: In F major, for STB. From a collection of Drinking songs (partbook format).

General Information

Title: Quant je boy du vin claret
Composer: Guillaume Le Heurteur

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicings: STB or AAT
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1535 in Trente et une chansons musicales a troys parties (Pierre Attaingnant), no. 19
    2nd published: 1541 in Il primo libro de madrigali a tre voci (Costanzo Festa), no. 59

External websites:

Original text and translations

French.png French text

Quant je boy du vin clairet tout tourne
Et quant je n'en boy point tout ne tourne point
Et quant n'ay maille ne denier je ne boy point
Ne belle fille a mon coucher ne tourne point
Et quant de ces vins blancs je boy
si ne sont d'Anjou ou d'Arboys point ne me tourne
Quant je boy du vin clairet tout tourne

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

Quando bebo vinho branco, tudo gira
E quando eu não bebo nada, tudo não gira nada.
E quando não tenho nenhum tostão, não bebo nada,
e nenhuma bela garota na minha cama gira
E quando bebo desses vinhos brancos,
se não são de Anjou ou de Arboys, nada me gira
Quando bebo vinho branco, tudo gira

English.png English translation

When I drink light red wine the world goes round
and when I don't it doesn't
and when I'm penniless I don't drink
and I don't have a lovely maid to sleep with
and if I drink those white wines
that aren`t from Anjou or Arboys, nothing goes round
but when I drink light red wine the world goes round