Quae est ista quae processit
General information
Source of text: Responsory for the Assumption. One of a number of texts beginning Quae est ista (also including Quae est ista quae progreditur, as set by Palestrina and others).
Settings by composers
- Juan Cuevas SS.SATB (with Et sicut dies verni...)
- Pierre La Fage STB (with 2nd part Quae est ista quae ascendit)
- Nicolas Gombert SATTB (2nd part of Sancta et immaculata virginitas, with Et sicut dies verni)
- Pierre de Manchicourt SSATBB (ascendit rather than processit, with 2nd part Ista est speciosa)
- Tiburtio Massaino SATB.SATB (with Et sicut dies verni)
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina SATB (no 2nd part)
- Nicola Parma SSAATTBB (continues Et sicut dies verni)
- Nicolas de Wismes SSATTB (with 2nd part Sicut dies verni)
Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
- Peter Philips — Quae est ista
- Dominique Phinot — Quae est ista
Texts and Translations
Latin text Quae est ista quae processit1 sicut sol 1. Manchicourt has ascendit. |
English translation Who is she that came forth [ascended] like the sun |