Patriarch (Christopher Upton)

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  • (Posted 2012-05-24)  CPDL #26272:       
Editor: Christopher Upton (submitted 2012-05-24).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 62 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC SA
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Patriarch
Composer: Christopher Upton

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredHymn tuneEucharistic song

Language: English
Instruments: Organ

First published: 2008
Description: Hymn tune, 87. 87. 77, set to When the Patriarch was returning.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

WHEN the Patriarch was returning
Crown'd with triumph from the fray,
Him the peaceful king of Salem
Came to meet upon his way;
Meekly bearing bread and wine,
Holy priesthood's awful sign.

On the truth thus dimly shadow'd,
Later days a lustre shed;
When the great High-Priest eternal,
Under forms of wine and bread,
For the world's immortal food,
Gave his flesh and gave his blood.

Wondrous gift! - The word who fashion'd
All things by his might divine,
Bread into his body changes,
Into his own blood the wine -
What though sense no change perceives?
Faith admires, adores, believes.

He who once to die a victim,
On the Cross, did not refuse,
Day by day, upon our altars,
That same sacrifice renews;
Through his holy priesthood's hands,
Faithful to his last commands.

While the people all uniting
In the sacrifice sublime,
Offer Christ to his high Father,
Offer up themselves with Him;
Then together with the priest
On the living Victim feast.

Praise the Universal Maker,
Father of the world of men;
Praise the Son, whose life-blood flowing
Bought our captive souls again;
Gracious Breath of Life Divine –
Praise, O Triune God, be Thine! Amen.
Cluniac Breviary, 1686
Tr. E Caswall (1814-78)