Oscar Santos

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Born: 9 March 1957


Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, Oscar Santos lives in Costa Rica since 1976, with Costa Rican citizenship since 1981. He sung as tenor II in the National Symphonic Choir (Dept. of Culture, Youth and Sports, Costa Rica's Government) between 1977 to 1979, and some chamber choirs like "Alpha & Omega", "Coro de Cámara del Poder Judicial" etc. Mainly autodidactic, had some music studies at "Universidad Nacional", Heredia, Costa Rica. Also conducts the "Capella Pax Mundi" Chamber Choir (formerly "Cantando por la Paz" Chamber Choir) since October 2, 2006. His music works are mainly religious (Roman Catholic) and a cappella and has, at the time, 18 sacred motets, 1 gospel and 4 secular works, published.

Some of his works have been and are performed by chamber choirs around the world, including these ones listed here in CPDL.

He currently leads a program for re-establishing Costa Rican folk music and correcting some classical and ancient scores that are in use in the country.

In the Capella Pax Mundi chamber choir, there is also a special program about vocal poliphony of the Renassaince, where is under development a study of music theory of that time upon facsimili and oriented by the "Historically informed" proposal. This special program is realized by the Vocal Group "Alla breve" (with 10 choral singers of the Capella Pax Mundi) which has regular performances and concerts about the results of these studies.

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