Omnium bonorum plena (Loyset Compère)

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  • (Posted 2018-05-28)  CPDL #49870:     
Editor: Richard Mix (submitted 2018-05-28).   Score information: Letter, 10 pages, 124 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2010-10-20)  CPDL #22475:    (MIDI) (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2010-10-20).   Score information: A4, 8 pages, 374 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The MIDI and MusicXML files are zipped.

General Information

Title: Omnium bonorum plena
Composer: Loyset Compère

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: ATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript post 1445 in the Trent codices, tr91, 35v-37r, no. 91-017
Description: Trancribed from the Trent manuscript tr91, 35v-37r. The Tenor melody is taken from the chanson "De tous bien pleine" by Hayne van Ghizeghem. Possibly this motet was composed for the dedication of the Cambrai Cathedral in July 5 1472.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Omnium honorum plena,
Virgo parensque serena,
quae sedes super sidera
pulchra prudens et decora.
Assistens a dextris Patris,
caeli terrae plasmatoris,
in vestitu deaurato
nullius manu formato.
Nullus tibi comparari
potest certe nec equari
cui voce angelica
dictum est: 'Ave Maria'.
Turbata parum fuisti
sed consulta respondisti,
'Ecce ancilla Domini
sicut refers fiat mihi!'
Dulcis fuit responsio
data cœlesti nuntio
per quam statim concepisti
natum Dei et portasti
illum necnon peperisti
et post partum permansisti
Virgo pura et nitida
virgoque immaculata.

Omnium bonorum plena,
peccatorum medicina,
cujus proprium orare
est atque preces fundare,
Pro miseris peccantibus
a Deo recedentibus
funde preces ad Filium
pro salute canentium.
Et primo pro G. Dufay
pro quo me, mater, exaudi
luna totius musicae
atque cantorum lumine.
pro Jo. Dussart, Busnois, Caron,
magistris cantilenarum
Georget, de Brelles, Tinctoris,
cimbalis tui honoris,
ac Okeghem, des Pres, Corbet,
Hemart, Faugues et Molinet
atque Regis omnibusque
canentibus, simul et me
Loyzet Compere orante
pro magistris puramente;
quorum memor virgo vale
semper Gabrielis ave.

English.png English translation

Full of all honours,
Virgin mother and serene,
who sits above the stars,
fair maiden, wise.
Sitting at the right hand of the Father
who formed the heaven and earth,
in golden raiment
formed by no human hand.
None to you compared
can even nearly be, nor made equal;
to whom the angelic voice
said: 'Hail Mary'.
You were perturbed but little,
and with wisdom responded:
'Behold the handmaid of the Lord:
as he speaks, let it be for me!'
This sweet response was made,
given to the heavenly messenger.
Through it you at once conceived,
bearing the one born as God,
and you gave birth to him,
And after his birth you remained
Virgin, pure and undefiled,
Virgin, free from sin.

Full of all honours,
medicine of sinners,
whose calling is to pray
and pour out pleas
for poor sinners,
falling away from God:
pour our prayers to your Son
for the salvation of those who sing;
and first for Guillaume Dufay,
for whom, O mother, hear me,
you who are moon of all music,
and light of singers;
for Johannes Dussart, Busnois, Caron,
masters of singing,
for Georget de Brelles, Tinctoris,
musicians in your honour,
and Okeghem, des Pres, Corbet,
Hemart, Faugues et Molinet
and all the singers
of the King, and for me,
Loyset Compere, who prays
sincerely for those who taught me;
mindful of whom, Virgin, farewell,
always with Gabriel's Ave!
   Translation by Philip Krinks