O quam magnum miraculum (Hildegard von Bingen)

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  • (Posted 2022-02-03)  CPDL #67859:  Network.png
Editor: Allison Mondel (submitted 2022-02-03).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Antiphon for the Virgin. One has to give his full name and e-mail address to see the file.

General Information

Title: O quam magnum miraculum
Composer: Hildegard von Bingen
Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: unison
Genre: SacredAntiphon

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

O quam magnum miraculum est
quod in subditam femineam
formam rex
Hoc Deus fecit quia humilitas
super omnia ascendit.
Et o quam magna felicitas
est in ista forma,
quia malicia,
que de femina fluxit hanc
femina postea detersit
et omnem suavissimum
odorem virtutum edificavit
ac celum ornavit
plus quam terram prius

English.png English translation

Oh what a great miracle
that the king entered
into the humble body
of a woman.
God did this because lowliness
rises above everything.
And O! what incredible blessing
there is in that body
since the ills
that flowed from a woman [Eve]
a woman [Mary] later wiped clean
and raised up the sweetest
scent of all the virtues
and adorned heaven, even
more than she [Eve] had
cast the Earth into disorder.

Translation by Hugh McElroy