O Dio crea in me un cuor puro (Christoph Dalitz)

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  • (Posted 2011-01-24)  CPDL #23056:     
Editor: Christoph Dalitz (submitted 2011-01-24).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 43 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes: The edition includes guitar chords and an English translation of the text.

General Information

Title: O Dio crea in me un cuor puro
Composer: Christoph Dalitz

Number of voices: 2vv   Voicing: AT
Genre: SacredFolksong

Language: Italian
Instruments: Guitar

First published: 2011
Description: This piece is a very free adaptation of an older Italian folk song.

External websites:

Recording: YouTube video

Original text and translations

Original text and translations may be found at Psalm 51. (verses 10-12)