My soul, there is a country (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)

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  • (Posted 2020-05-22)  CPDL #58757:       
Editor: James Wetzel (submitted 2020-05-22).   Score information: Letter, 7 pages, 92 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2020-12-15)  CPDL #56364:     
Editor: Harry Boulton (submitted 2019-12-20).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 152 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2012-03-24)  CPDL #25115:  Network.png
Editor: Rod Mather (submitted 2011-12-07).   Score information: A4, 8 pages, 101 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Includes a keyboard reduction of the a cappella choral score.
  • (Posted 2009-12-30)  CPDL #20716:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2009-12-30).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 129 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Includes a keyboard reduction of the a cappella choral score. Revised files uploaded 19/01/19.
  • (Posted 2005-11-12)  CPDL #10091:        (Sibelius 4)
Editor: John Henry Fowler (submitted 2005-11-12).   Score information: Letter, 6 pages, 107 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
Error.gif Possible error(s) identified. Error summary: too many to list here.
  • (Posted 2003-05-13)  CPDL #05038:        (Sibelius 2)
Editor: Toby Wardman (submitted 2003-05-13).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 136 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
Error.gif Possible error(s) identified. Error summary: Page 3, 3rd system, 3rd bar: Alto should have E, Bass F# .
  • (Posted 2001-05-03)  CPDL #02550:         
Editor: John Henry Fowler (submitted 2001-05-03).   Score information: Letter, 9 pages, 188 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: newer version available in Sibelius format.
Error.gif Possible error(s) identified. Error summary: Bar 62 Bass & accompaniment should have D as the second note rather than C.

General Information

Title: My soul, there is a country
Composer: Charles Hubert Hastings Parry
Lyricist: Henry Vaughan

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredAnthem

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1918 in Songs of Farewell, no. 1
    2nd published: 1933 in The Church Anthem Book, p. 51

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

My soul, there is a country
Far beyond the stars,
Where stands a winged sentry
All skilful in the wars:

There, above noise and danger
Sweet Peace sits crowned with smiles
And One, born in a manger
Commands the beauteous files.

He is thy gracious friend
And, O my soul, awake!
Did in pure love descend
To die here for thy sake.

If thou canst get but thither,
There grows the flow'r of Peace,
The Rose that cannot wither,
Thy fortress and thy ease.

Leave then thy foolish ranges,
For none can thee secure
But One who never changes,
Thy God, thy life, thy cure.

German.png German translation

Meine Seele, es gibt ein Land
weit hinter den Sternen,
wo ein Engel als Wachposten steht,
geschickt in allen Kriegskünsten.

Dort, jenseits von Lärm und Gefahrsitzt
lächelnd süßer Frieden,und Einer,
der in einer Krippe geboren wurde,
befehligt die strahlenden Heerscharen.

Er ist dein gütiger Freund,
und – erwache, meine Seele! –
stieg aus reiner Liebe herab,
um hier für dich zu sterben.

Kannst du nur dorthin gelangen,
wächst dort die Blume des Friedens,
die Rose, die nicht verwelken kann,
dein Bollwerk und deine Ruhe.

Lass nun das törichte Umherschweifen,
denn niemand kann dich retten
außer dem Einen, der sich niemals wandelt,
dein Gott, dein Leben, dein Heil.