Missa Tu es Petrus a 18 (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
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This CPDL edition is incomplete, either movements have not yet been edited or accompaniment is omitted. "Incomplete" here does not refer to the original composition; works left unfinished by the composer are categorised elsewhere. |
- Editor: Lewis Jones (submitted 2011-02-12). Score information: A4, 25 pages, 227 kB Copyright: Personal
- Edition notes: Down a fifth according to chiavette. Edition omits Credo.
- Editor: Lewis Jones (submitted 2011-02-12). Score information: A4, 27 pages, 260 kB Copyright: Personal
- Edition notes: Spurious transposition for mixed choir. Edition omits Credo.
General Information
Title: Missa Tu es Petrus a 18 (Palestrina also wrote a 6vv parody mass)
Composer: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Number of voices: 18vv Voicings: AATBBB.AATBBB.AATBBB or SSATBB.SSATBB.SSATBB
Genre: Sacred, Mass
Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella
First published:
Description: 18-part parody mass based on Palestrina's 6 voice setting of the Tu es Petrus text. The mass lacks a Benedictus.
External websites:
Original text and translations
For information, refer to the Mass page. For texts and translations, see the individual pages: