Michael, coeli signifer (Jacob Handl)

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  • (Posted 2014-12-02)  CPDL #33564:       
Editor: Ross Jallo (submitted 2014-12-02).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 111 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Tranposed down a minor third (according to chiavette); note values halved (quartered in proportio tripla). Editorial accidentals and slurs added.

General Information

Title: Michael, coeli signifer
Composer: Jacob Handl

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1590 in Opus musicum, Volume 4, no. 140
Description: Motet for Michaelmas.

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Michael, coeli signifer,
Gabriel, mundi lucifer,
Raphael, tres archangeli
Christi et omnes angeli,
amantes casta corpora
nostra per cuncta saecula
tuentur ab insidiis
hostium et perfidiis.
Hi nos semper custodiant
et post mortem suscipiant,
angelorum altissimo
laudem canamus Domino.

English.png English translation

Michael, standard-bearer of heaven—
Gabriel, the light-bringer of the world—
Raphael— the three archangels
of Christ and all the angels,
the beloved ones:
through all the ages
they protect our bodily purity
from the snares and treacheries of our enemies.
May they always guard us,
and after death may they receive us.
Let us sing the praise of the angels
to the Lord Most High.