Aliases: Wulfaert Hellinck; Lupus Hellinc; Lupus Helling
Born: 1493 or 1494
Died: c. 14 January 1541
Biography Lupus became a choirboy at St. Donatian in Bruges 1506. After 1515 he appears to have gone to Rome; a document from the Vatican archives gives his age as 24 in April of 1518. There was once doubt about whether he was the same ‘Lupo francese/fiammengo cantore’ in Ferrara that summer, and there is occasional confusion with Johannes Lupi . By 1519 Hellinck was back in Bruges, becoming succentor of Onze Lieve Vrouw on 20 June 1521 and at St Donatian on 17 June 1523.
View the Wikipedia article on Lupus Hellinck .
List of all choral works
Missa Carolus Imperator Romanorum Quintus, 5vv
Missa Christus resurgens a 4v
Missa Confitemini Domino a 4v (attributed to Hellinck), super Mouton’s motet
Missa Ego sum qui sum a 5v, super Jean Richafort motet
Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae a 4v
Missa Jam non dicam vos servos a 4v, super Jean Richafort motet
Missa In te Domine speravi a 4v, super Hellinck's own motet
Missa Intemerata virgo a 4v, super Josquin 's motet Vultum tuum deprecabuntur
Missa Mater Patris a 4v, super Brumel motet
Missa Panis quem ego dabo a4 v, super Hellinck's own motet
Missa Peccata mea a 4v, super Jean Richafort motet
Missa Quam pulchra es, 4vv, on a motet by Moulu or Mouton)
Missa Surge propera amica a 4v, super Johannes Lupi motet
Missa Surrexit pastor bonus a 5v, super Andreas de Silva motet); attrib. Lupus Italus
Missa Veni sponsa Christi a 5v, super Jean Richafort motet; attrib. Hesdin
Missa Virgo mater salvatoris a 4v, super an anonymous motet
Beati omnes qui timent Dominum a 4v
Cursu festa dies sydereo a 5v
Deus canticum novum, 4vv
Ego sum panis vitae a 4v
Ergone conticuit vox illa (Erasmus), 4vv (dubious attr. to Lupi)
Esto nobis Domine turris fortitudinis, 5vv
Hodiernae lux diei a 4v
In convertendo Dominus , 4vv
In nomine Jesu omne genu, 4vv
In te Domine speravi a 5v
Joannes Jesu Christo a 4v
Laetetur omne saeculum a 4v
Mane surgens Jacob a 4v
Miserere mei Deus quoniam tribulor, 5vv
Miserere mei Domine quoniam infirmus sum, 6vv
Ne projicias me a 5v
O veneranda martyrum a 5v
Panis quem ego dabo a 4v
Pater noster a 5v
Postquam consummati sunt 4v
Primo die Sabbatorum a 4v
Qui confidunt in Domino a 5v
Regina clementissima, 6vv
Usquequo Domine oblivisceris me a 4v
Comme l'aymant 4vv
Honneur sans plus 4vv
Nouvel amour le mien cueur a 4v
O Attropoz viens bien tost a 4v
Quand l’amitié a 4v
Vostre beaulté plaisant et lyé a 4v (attrib. Gombert in some of the partbooks, Hellinck in others)
Flemish Songs
Aenhoert al myn geclach a 4v (anon. in one attribution, Lupus in another)
Compt alle voort by twee by drye , 4vv
Ianne moye al claer a 4v
Nieuwe almanack ende pronosticatie a 4v
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