Louis K. Liu
Alias: 劉克爾
Born: 16 November 1922
Died: 2 October 2003
劉克爾 - 字曉曦號吉庵, 湖南常德人。1947 年畢業於南京國立音樂學院,主修音樂理論及作曲。赴臺灣後曾於中國廣播公司從事新聞工作,後任中央電台音樂組組長及中央電台合唱團指揮。作品包括多首民謠及民間藝術歌曲如:「見花如見她」﹑「青鳥」﹑「新年(恭喜發財 )」等。此外也撰寫多篇樂評。1969年赴美進修,並任職於紐約保險公司。曾擔任紐約﹑明尼蘇達州雙城﹑及加州山景城僑界的合唱團指揮。與妻陸孝志育有一子二女:劉振宇﹑劉振儀﹑劉振思。1976 年皈依基督教後寫作11首聖詩,由加州山景城基督徒會堂( Mt. View Chinese Christian Interfaith Church) 編印為「劉克爾聖詩專輯」。1998年底罹患類似巴金森氏疾病,由夫人在家悉心照顧。2003年病逝於舊金山南灣Sunnyvale市寓所,享年八十歲。
Louis K. Liu was a Chinese composer born in the Hunan Province. In 1947 he graduated from Nanjing National Conservatory of Music, majoring in music theory and composition. He then went to Taiwan and worked as journalist for the Broadcasting Corporation of China. He later worked as chief of the music group of the Central Radio Station and also as the conductor of the Central Radio Choir. His composition works include folk songs and folk art songs such as: "See the Flower, is just like Her", "Blue Bird", "New Year (Kung Hei Fat Choy)". In addition, he also wrote many music critic articles. In 1969 he went to the U.S. and worked for an insurance company in New York City. Over the years he conducted choruses in Chinese communities in New York, Minnesota Twin Cities, and Mountain View, California. After adopting Christianity in 1976, he wrote 11 hymns that were collected in a volume and printed by the Mt. View Chinese Christian Interfaith Church (CCIC) in 2001. In late 1998 Mr. Liu fell ill with Parkinson-like illness and was cared by his wife Dora at home. Mr Liu passed away in his residence at Sunnyvale City, Ca in 2003, at the age of 80.
The works listed below have been made available with expressed written authorization from Mr. Liu's wife. ( 授權書 )
List of choral works
- For works at CPDL sorted alphabetically by title, see Louis K. Liu compositions
Works available at CPDL
Sacred works
Secular works
Click here to search for this composer on CPDL
- 2001 – Hymns ( 劉克爾聖詩專輯 )
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