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Original text and translations
Introduction: O vos omnes
Latin text
O vos omnes qui transitis per viam,
attendite, et videte si est dolor sicut dolor meus. (Lamentations 1:12)
Posuit me Dominus desolatam,
tota die moerere confetam;
ne vocetis me Noemi, sed vocate me Mara. (Ruth 1:20)
English translation
O all ye who travel upon the highway,
hearken to me, and behold me: was e'er sorrow like unto my sorrow?
For the Lord Almighty hath dealt bitterly
with me.
Call me now no more Naomi, from today call me Mara.
Portuguese translation
Ó vós todos que passais pela estrada,
ó atendei e considerai: há tristeza como a minha mágoa?
Pois o Deus Altíssimo me tem dado amargura,
sim, grande amargura:
não me chameis Noemi, mas chamai-me Mara.
First word: Pater, dimitte illis
Latin text
Pater, dimitte illis, non enim sciunt, quid faciunt. (Luke 23:34)
Et dicebant omnes: Reus est mortis. (Matthew 26:66)
Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum. (John 19:15)
Sanguis ejus super nos et super filios nostros! (Matthew 27:25)
Crucifixerunt Jesum et latrones,
unum a dextris et alterum a sinistris. (Mark 15:27)
French translation
Père, pardonne-leur, car ils ne savent pas ce qu’ils font.
Et tous proclamèrent: Il mérite la mort.
À mort, à mort, crucifie-le!
Que son sang retombe sur nous et sur nos enfants!
Ils crucifièrent Jésus et deux brigands;
l’un à sa droite, et l’autre à sa gauche.
English translation
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
And the people clamor’d: He is death-guilty.
Take him, take him, let us crucify him!
Be his blood on us, and on our children!
Then they did crucify Jesus, and the two thieves,
one at His right hand, the other at His left hand.
Portuguese translation
Pai, perdoa! Ó Pai, perdoa pois não sabem o que fazem!
E clamaram todos: Ele é réu de morte!
Morte! morte! Sim, crucificai-o!
O seu sangue caia sobre nós e caia sobre os nossos filhos!
Crucificaram a Cristo e os dois ladrões,
um à direita e outro à esquerda.
Second word: Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso
Latin text
Hodie mecum eris in paradiso, amen, dico tibi. (Luke 23:43)
Domine, memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum. (Luke 23:42)
French translation
Je te le dis, en vérité, aujourd’hui tu seras avec moi au paradis.
Seigneur, souviens-toi de moi, quand tu viendras dans ton règne.
English translation
Verily, thou shalt be in Paradise to-day with me. Amen, so I tell thee.
Hear me, O Lord, and remember me, when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.
Portuguese translation
Hoje estarás comigo no Paraíso, em verdade eu te digo.
Ó Senhor, lembra-te de mim quando entrares no teu Reino.
Third word: Mulier, ecce filius tuus
Latin text
Mulier, ecce filius tuus. (John 19:26)
Stabat mater dolorosa
Juxta crucem lacrymosa,
Dum pendebat Filius.
Quis est homo qui non fleret,
Christi Matrem si videret
In tanto supplico?
French translation
Femme, voilà ton fils
Debout, la mère des douleurs se dresse
sous la croix, le visage en pleurs,
où son fils pend.
Quel homme qui, sans verser des pleurs,
verrait la Mère du Christ
dans un si cruel tourment?
English translation
See, O woman! here behold thy Son beloved.
See yon mother, bow’d in anguish,
Who beside the cross doth languish,
Where on high her son is borne;
Is there mortal, who not feeleth
To behold her where she kneeleth,
So woeful, and all forlorn?
Portuguese translation
Ó mulher, eis aí teu filho amado.
Junto à cruz estava Maria.
Viu Jesus a sua mãe.
Junto à cruz estava Maria.
Quão doloroso para Maria
ver seu filho na agonia,
sofrendo, morrendo o Salvador!
Fourth word: Deus meus, ut quid dereliquisti me?
Latin text
Deus meus, ut quid dereliquisti me? (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34)
Omnes amici mei dereliquerunt me;
prevaluerunt insidiantes mi-hi;
tradidit me quem diligebam.
Vinea mea electa,
ego te plantavi;
quomodo conversa es in amaritudine
ut me crucifigeres? (from the Tenebrae for Maundy Thursday)
19th C.
English translation
God, my Father, why hast thou forsaken me?
God, my Father, why hast thou forsaken me?
All those who were my friends, all have now forsaken me,
and they that hate me do now prevail against me;
and by he whom I have cherished, he hath betrayed me.
Even the vine that I have chosen,
and that I have planted:
wherefore art thou now so strangely turned to bitterness,
that by thee I am crucified.
Portuguese translation
Deus meu, Deus meu, por que desamparaste-me?
E todos meus amigos se voltaram contra mim?
Os que me odeiam agora prevalecem!
Meu traidor for meu amigo!
Também a vinha que eu escolhi
e que eu também plantei,
convertida em amargura estranha,
e tanto o é que vens crucificar-me?
Fifth word: Sitio!
Latin text
Sitio! (John 19:28)
Judæi prætereuntes blasphemabant eum,
moventes capita sua et dicentes:
qui destruis templum Dei, si tu es Christus,
Filius Dei, descende nunc de cruce (Matthew 27:39,40)
ut videamus et credamus tibi, (Mark 15:32)
Si tu es rex Judæorum, salvum te fac. (Luke 23:37).
French translation
J’ai soif.
Les Juifs, qui passaient, l’injuriaient
et secouaient la tête en disant:
Toi qui détruis le temple de Dieu, si tu es le Christ,
le Fils de Dieu, descends de la croix
afin que nous voyions et que nous croyions en toi!
Si tu es le roi des Juifs, sauve-toi toi-même!
English translation
I am athirst!
And the Jews then passing by him, all did rail upon him,
and wagging their heads at him, they said unto him:
Ah! Thou wouldst fain destroy the temple; if thou be Jesus,
Son of the Father, now from the cross descend thou,
that we behold it, and believe on thee when we behold it.
If thou art king over Israel, save thyself, then!
Portuguese translation
Tenho sede!
E os judeus que ali estavam o escarneciam;
zombando de Jesus, assim diziam:
Ah! Dizes destruir o Templo;
se tu és Cristo, de Deus o Filho,
desce da cruz! -- sim, desce! --
que vejamos e creiamos, e em ti creiamos.
Ah! Se tu és Rei de Israel, agora desce!
Sixth word: Pater, in manus tuas
Latin text
Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. (Luke 23:46)
Pater meus es tu, Deus meus, susceptor salutis meæ.
French translation
Père, entre tes mains, je remets mon esprit.
Tu es mon père, mon Dieu, le rocher de mon salut.
English translation
Father, into Thy hands I commend my soul.
For Thou art my God and my Father; Thou art my Saviour.
Portuguese translation
Pai, ó Pai, em Tuas mãos entrego o meu Espírito.
Pois Tu és meu Deus e Pai; Tu és meu bom Deus e Pai.
A Ti entrego meu espírito.
Seventh word: Consummatum est
Latin text
Et clamans Jesu voce magna dixit: Consummatum est!
et inclinato capite, tradidit spiritum. (John 19:30)
Erat autem fere hora sexta; (Luke 23:44)
obscuratus est sol, (Luke 23:45)
et tenebræ factæ sunt in universam terram; (Luke 23:44)
velum templi scissum est; (Luke 23:45)
terra tremuit; (Psalms 75(76):9)
petræ scissæ et monumenta aperta sunt. (Matthew 27:51,52)
Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi;
quia per sanctam Crucem tuam redemisti mundum.
French translation
Et Jésus s’écria d’une voix forte: Tout est accompli.
Et, baissant la tête, il rendit l’esprit.
Il était déjà environ la sixième heure.
Le soleil s’obscurcit,
et il y eut des ténèbres sur toute la terre.
Le voile du temple se déchira, la terre trembla,
les rochers se fendirent, les sépulcres s’ouvrirent.
Nous t’adorons et te bénissons, Ô Christ,
car par ta sainte Croix tu as sauvé le monde.
English translation
And with a loud voice Jesus cried, exclaiming: 'It is finished!
And He did bow His head, and rendered up His spirit.
And it was about the sixth hour;
and the sun was darkened, and darkness covered the earth;
and the veil of the temple was rent,
and all the earth did quake; and the rocks were rent,
and all the graves were opened wide.
Christ, we do all adore Thee, and praise Thee; for on
the holy cross hast thou the world from sin redeemed.
Portuguese translation
E com grande voz, Jesus, clamando, disse: Consumado está!
E, inclinando a cabeça, Ele entregou o espírito.
E era já quase a hora sexta,
escureceu-se o sol,
e houve trevas na terra até hora nona.
E o véu do templo de rasgou
e toda a terra tremeu
e fenderam-se as pedras
e os sepulcros se abriram!
Cristo, nós te adoramos e para sempre louvamos,
pois pela tua morte sobre a cruz remiste o mundo!