In splendoribus (Nobuaki Izawa)

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  • (Posted 2017-08-30)  CPDL #46138:     
Editor: Nobuaki Izawa (submitted 2017-08-30).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 67.7 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC ND
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: In splendoribus
Composer: Nobuaki Izawa
Source of text: Psalm 110 (109 Vulgate) : 3

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredMotet, Gradual & Communion for Christmas (Midnight)

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 2017

External websites:

Original text and translations

Original text and translations may be found at Psalm 110, v. 3 .

Latin.png Latin text

Tecum principium in die virtutis tuae,
in splendoribus sanctorum:
ex utero, ante luciferum, genui te.

English.png English translation

With thee is the principality in the day of thy strength,
in the brightness of the saints,
from the womb before the day star I begot thee.