In die mee sepulture
I will nane haif bot our awne gyng,
Et duos rusticos de rure
Berand a berell on a styng,
Drynkand and playand cop out, evin,
Sicut egomet solebam;
Singand and playand with hie stevin
Potum meum cum fletu miscebam.
I will na preistis for me sing
Dies illa, Dies ire;
Na yit na bellis for me ring,
Sicut semper solet fieri;
Bot a bag pipe to play a spryng,
Et unum ail wosp ante me
In stayd of baneris for to bring;
Quatuor lagenas cervisie,
Within the graif to set sic thing
In modum crucis juxta me,
To fle the fendis, than hardely sing
De terra plasmasti me.
English translation
On the day of my funeral
I want no one but my [drinking] companions,
And two rustics from the countryside
Carrying a barrel on a pole,
Drinking and playing, draining their cups both at once,
As I used to myself;
Singing and playing with loud voices
'I have mixed my drink with weeping'.
I want no priests to sing for me
Dies illa, Dies ire;
Nor any bells to ring for me,
As is customary;
But a bagpipe to play a jig,
And an ale bush (tavern sign) should be carried before me
Instead of banners;
Four flagons of beer
Should be placed beside me in the grave
In the form of a cross,*
To frighten the devils away, then bravely sing
'From earth didst thou make me.'
(*) Note: Irreverent though this instruction may seem, Dunbar was a priest. English Wikipedia indicates that he also pioneered the use of some very strong language in his poetry.