Ihr Kinderlein kommet (Johann Abraham Peter Schulz)

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German.png In original German

  • (Posted 2013-12-29)  CPDL #30862:     
Editor: Winfried Grünewald (submitted 2013-12-29).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 51 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2012-09-18)  CPDL #27183:      (Finale 2011)
Editor: James W. Keefe (submitted 2012-09-18).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 37 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: In German and English.
  • (Posted 2010-04-24)  CPDL #21533:     
Editor: Jens Klimek (submitted 2010-04-24).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 17 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

English.png In English translation, "O come, little children"

  • (Posted 2004-06-25)  CPDL #07331:     
Editor: Douglas Brooks-Davies (submitted 2004-06-25).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 56 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Arranged by Douglas Brooks-Davies. Translated and arranged by Douglas Brooks-Davies.

Italian.png In Italian translation, "Suonate campane"

  • (Posted 2010-11-24)  CPDL #22693:        (Finale 2007)
Editor: Angelina Figus (submitted 2010-11-24).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 83 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Arranged by Angelina Figus. Translated and arranged by Angelina Figus.

General Information

Title: Ihr Kinderlein kommet
Composer: Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800)
Lyricist: Christoph von Schmid (1768-1844)

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredCarol

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1811
    2nd published: 1893 in Unser Liederbuch (E. Linder), no. 14

External websites:

Original text and translations

German.png German text

Ihr Kinderlein, kommet, o kommet doch all!
Zur Krippe her kommet in Bethlehems Stall
und seht, was in dieser hochheiligen Nacht
der Vater im Himmel für Freude uns macht!

O seht in der Krippe im nächtlichen Stall,
seht hier bei des Lichtleins hell glänzendem Strahl
den reinliche Windeln, das himmlische Kind,
viel schöner und holder als Engel es sind!

Da liegt es, das Kindlein, auf Heu und auf Stroh,
Maria und Josef betrachten es froh.
Die redlichen Hirten knien betend davor,
hoch oben schwebt jubelnd der Engelein Chor.

English.png English text

O come, little children,
Come one and all,
O come to the manger
In Bethlehem’s stall;

For there you will see
On this most sacred night,
God’s gift to mankind,
Our joy and delight.

O see in that manger
Within that dark stall,
The brightest of beams shines
To dazzle us all.

Oh clothed all in white
Lies the heavenly child,
More lovely than angels
Up in heaven’s height.

He lies there, a Baby,
In straw and in hay,
With Mary and Joseph
To watch and to pray.

The marvelling shepherds
Kneel close by the Boy,
While from the night sky,
Angels sing in their joy.

So take to your hearts, then,
That heavenly Boy,
The victim and sacrifice
Who dies to bring joy.

He’s Jesus, our Saviour,
Who’s born to vanquish sin:
O take Him to your hearts now,
The Saviour within.

Italian.png Italian text

Suonate, campane, è nato il Signor,
portate alle genti il messaggio d'amor.
In coro cantiamo: è gloria nel ciel,
e pace in terra ad ogni fedel!

Din din, din don (2 v),din din din din don,
din din, din don (2 v) din din din din don.
In coro cantiamo: è gloria nel ciel,
e pace in terra ad ogni fedel!

È nato, è nato il Signore a Betlem,
tra il bue e l'asinello riposa seren.
Si è accesa una stella in alto nel ciel,
una stella d'amore per ogni fedel

Din din, din don (2 v),din din din din don,
din din, din don (2 v) din din din din don.
In coro cantiamo: è gloria nel ciel,
e pace in terra ad ogni fedel!