I Seraillets Have (Wilhelm Stenhammar)

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  • (Posted 2018-01-27)  CPDL #48580:  Icon_pdf_globe.gif ExtMuse3.png
Editor: Jes Wagner (submitted 2018-01-27).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 1.56 MB   Copyright: CC BY NC SA
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2012-05-25)  CPDL #26297:        (Finale 2012)
Editor: Per-Anders Aglert (submitted 2012-05-25).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 28 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: I Seraillets Have
Composer: Wilhelm Stenhammar
Lyricist: Jens Peter Jacobsen

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: Danish
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1890 in 3 Choruses

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Original text and translations

Danish.png Danish text

Rosen sænker sit hoved tungt af dug og duft,
og pinjerne svaje så tyst og mat i lumre luft.
Kilderne vælte det tunge sølv i døsig ro,
minareterne pege mod himlen op i tyrketro,
og halvmånen driver så jævnt afsted over det jævne blå
og den kysser rosers og liljers flok, alle de blomster små
i seraillets have, i seraillets have.

English.png English translation

The rose is sinking its head, heavy with dew and fragrance,
And the pines are waving so silent and faint in the sultry air.
The brooks roll their heavy iron in complete tranquility,
Minarets point at Heaven in the Turkish faith,
And the halfmoon slowly drifts away over the evening-blue,
And kisses the herds of roses and lilies, all those little flowers
In Seraglio's Garden, in Seraglio's Garden.