In the 1632 Breviarium Romanum the first two lines were changed to "Crudelis Herodes, Deum Regem venire quid times?" and the second verse sometimes appears as "Ibant Magi, qua venerant".
3. Lavacra puri gurgitis
Caelestis Agnus attigit;
Peccata, quae non detulit,
Nos abluendo sustulit.
4. Novum genus potentiae,
Aquae rubescunt hydriae,
Vinumque iussa fundere
Mutavit unda originem.
5. Gloria tibi, Domine,
Qui apparuisti hodie,
Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu
In sempiterna saecula. Amen.
Alternative v. 5
5. Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui apparuisti gentibus,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula.
English translation
WHY, impious Herod, vainly fear
that Christ the Saviour cometh here?
He takes no earthly realms away
Who gives the crown that lasts for aye.
To greet His birth the Wise Men went,
led by the star before them sent;
called on by light, towards Light they pressed,
and by their gifts their God confessed.
In holy Jordan's purest wave
the heavenly Lamb vouchsafed to lave;
That He, to whom was sin unknown,
might cleanse His people from their own.
New miracle of power divine!
The water reddens into wine:
He spake the word: and poured the wave
in other streams than nature gave.
All glory, Lord, to Thee we pay
for Thine Epiphany today;
all glory as is ever meet,
to Father and to Paraclete. Amen.
from the Book of Common Prayer (1689)
1. How vain the cruel Herod's fear,
When told that Christ the King is near!
He takes not earthly realms away,
Who gives the realms that ne'er decay.
2. The eastern sages saw from far
And followed on his guiding star;
By light their way to Light they trod,
And by their gifts confessed their God.
3. Within the Jordan's sacred flood
The heavenly Lamb in meekness stood,
That he, to whom no sin was known,
Might cleanse his people from their own.
4. And oh, what miracle divine,
When water reddened into wine!
He spake the word, and forth it flowed
In streams that nature ne'er bestowed.
5. All glory, Jesus, be to thee
For this thy glad epiphany:
Whom with the Father we adore
And Holy Ghost for evermore.
English translation
by Richard Massie (1800-1887), in Martin Luther’s Spiritual Songs, 1854.
Why, Herod, unrelenting foe,
Doth the Lord’s coming move thee so?
He doth no earthly kingdom seek
Who brings His kingdom to the meek.
Led by the star, the wise men find
The Light that lightens all mankind;
The threefold presents which they bring
Declare Him God, and Man, and King.
In Jordan’s sacred waters stood
The meek and heavenly Lamb of God,
And He who did no sin, thereby
Cleansed us from all iniquity!
And now a miracle was done:
Six water pots stood there of stone;
Christ spake the word with power divine,
The water reddened into wine.
All honour unto Christ be paid,
Pure offspring of the holy maid,
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
Till time in endless time be lost.
Polish translation
by ks. Tadeusz Karyłowski 1. Herodzie srogi, przecz trwoga
O ziemskie zdjęła ci kraje?
Nie bierze królestw dłoń Boga,
Co rajskie berło nam daje!
3. Baranek, rajskiej pociechy
Zdrój niosąc, wstąpił w wód fale,
Nas obmywając, zniósł grzechy
Ten, który nie znał win wcale.
5. Niech Tobie, Jezu, cześć będzie,
Coś ludom zjawił moc chwały,
Wraz z Ojcem, z Duchem niech wszędzie
Hołd wieczny śle ci świat cały! Amen
Dutch translation
Herodes, Christus vijand wreed,
wat baart zijn koimst u vrees en leed?
Hij rooft het aards bewind u niet,
die 't koninkrijk des hemels biedt.
De Wijzen kwamen van heel ver,
geleid door ene wonderster,
zij zoeken 't ware Licht door 't licht,
door gaven huldigend 't godlijk Wicht.
In 't helder waterbad daalt neer
het vlekloos Lam van God de Heer,
met 't kwaad dat 't zelf wel nooit
beging belaân, tot onze zuivering.
Nieuw wonder van zijn almacht groot,
het water in de kruik wordt rood.
Op Christus' woord vloeit het als wijn,
wiens aard het leent, niet slechts de schijn.
U Jesus, die verschenen zijt
aan 't heidendom, zij lof gewijd,
den Vader en den Geest zij eer,
met U voor immer, immer weer.