Gravi pene in amor

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General information

Author: Ludovico Ariosto, 1516 in Orlando Furioso. Canto XVI, ottava 1

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Gravi pene in amor si provan molte,
di che provat'io n'ho la maggior parte
et quell' in danno mio si ben raccolte
ch'io ne posso ragionar come per arte
pero s'io dico et ho dett'altre volte
et quand'in voce, et quand'in vive carte,
ch'un mal sia leve, un' altro acerb'e fero,
date credenz'al mio giuditio vero.

English.png English translation

Love's penalties are manifold and dread:
Of which I have endured the greater part,
And, to my cost, in these so well am read,
That I can speak of them as 'twere my art.
Hence if I say, or if I ever said,
Did speech or living page my thoughts impart
One ill is grievous and another light.
Yield me belief, and deem my judgment right.

Translation by William Stewart Rose

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